



道德伦理和行为是任何商业组织的主要要求。特别是,如果一个组织已经成功地世界,是世界闻名的产品,是很重要的,它必须遵循道德伦理和为客户工作。在这种情况下,讨论将对通用汽车(General Motors)和提出的主要问题是由于安全风险在他们的车里。

通用汽车(General motors)以他们对安全和质量安全的车辆。它是世界上最大的汽车公司之一。但是,多年来一直面临大量的问题。通用汽车面临的最大问题之一是一个女孩的死开车时由于关闭引擎(肖等人,2013)。

琥珀是一个女孩被通用汽车驾驶汽车时,她遇到了一个意外。期间的事故车的引擎爆炸导致的non-inflation安全气囊。在这个女孩的父母死了,起诉通用汽车(general motors)打开安全气囊的故障。


Moral ethics and behavior is the primary requirement for any business organizations. Particularly, if an organization has been successful in the world and is famous worldwide for its products, it is important that it must follow the moral ethics and work for its customers. In this case, the discussion will be conducted about General Motors and the major issue which was raised because of the security risk in their cars.
General motors is known for their quality with respect to security and safety in their vehicles. It is one of the largest automobile companies in the world. But, over the years it has faced a large number of issues. One of the biggest issues faced by General Motors was the death of a girl while driving due to the shutting off of the engine (Shaw et al, 2013).
Amber was a girl who was driving a car by General Motors when she met an accident. During the time of accident the engine of the car went off leading to the non-inflation of the air bags. On this the parents of the girl who died, sued general motors for the failure in opening the air bags.



