



路易斯.卡恩(1901到1974)是在社会价值体系结构的重要性深信不疑。他认为精心设计的建筑有能力影响和改善人们的生活。他以他的不朽的建筑项目,也为所扮演的角色,他作为一个哲学家,教师,艺术家建筑[ commstock,P.,2007,与路易斯-卡恩传记作家Carter Wiseman的采访中,加利福尼亚文学评论,2007。]。在第一眼,卡恩的工作似乎在程序和它的形式是非常简单的。然而,仔细调查,优秀的设计创新和编程复杂性的水平变得明显。

它已被确定由Louis Kahn有在设计哲学的某些重要的元素,而这些设计思想产生影响的其他建筑师。本文将关注这些因素及其对其他建筑师的影响。


众所周知Kahn在哲学体系结构是已知的,体贴的设计空间,可以揭示故事非常坚决,以同步的方式,其建设和满足个体的功能和审美需求的人看到他们居住的[保罗、K.、农药、M.,2006,Louis Kahn是在哪里出生的?,(爱沙尼亚)。该ekspress。]。这是一个强烈的信念,卡恩建筑不仅应该诉诸审美和现实需要,也对个体人性的需要以及社区服务[ commstock,P.,2007,与路易斯-卡恩传记作家Carter Wiseman的采访中,加利福尼亚文学评论,2007。]。他不断的唤起一个感与灵性空间的创作,在那个时候,他觉得在环境正在修建的缺乏感。这种特殊的建筑似乎强调的原则,保持简单和实力。这个特别的建筑,卡恩在空间利用的成就惊人的成功,无论是实验室开展研究的可用空间,或者是办公空间,那里是思想[翰,P.,1974升,路易斯。卡恩模具;建筑师为73,“纽约时报,1页。]。这个特别的学院反映了行动和头脑的奇妙结合。美丽的混凝土表面的建筑确保详细的精确方式,以及一个辉煌的经验。结构的创造已经以这样一种方式完成,它考虑到需要包围特定的空间,并且似乎不依赖于一个基本的信封被覆盖在这些特定的空间。


Louis I. Kahn (1901 to 1974) was a strong believer in the importance and value of architecture within the society. He felt that buildings that were well designed had the ability of influencing and improving the lives of people. He is known for his projects of monumental building and also for the role played by him as a philosopher, teacher, and artist of architecture[ Commstock, P., 2007, An Interview with Louis Kahn Biographer Carter Wiseman, California Literary Review, 2007.]. In the very first glance, the work of Kahn seems to be extremely simplistic in the program and its form. On investigating closely, however, levels of excellent design innovation and programmatic complexity become apparent.

It has been identified by Louis Kahn that there are certain significant elements in the philosophy of design, and these designs and ideas resulted in influencing the other architects. This essay will focus on these elements and its impact on other architects.

Significant Elements of Louis Kahn Design Philosophy

Kahn was known to be extremely resolute within the philosophy that architecture is known to be thoughtful in order to make the spaces whose design should and can be revealing the story, in a simultaneous manner, related to their construction and meeting the functional and aesthetic needs of the individual who are seen inhabiting them[ Paulus, K., Pesti, M., 2006, Where was Louis Kahn born?, (in Estonian). Eesti Ekspress.]. It is a strong belief of Kahn that architecture should not only be appealing to the aesthetic and practical needs but also with respect to the humanistic needs of the individuals as well as the communities being served[ Commstock, P., 2007, An Interview with Louis Kahn Biographer Carter Wiseman, California Literary Review, 2007.]. He was continuously striving for the creation of spaces evoking a sense with respect to spirituality, at that point of time, he felt was lacking the sense in the environment being built. This specific building seemed to lay emphasis over the principle to maintain simplicity and strength. By this particular building, Kahn had been successful in the achievement of astonishing utilization of space, whether it be the availability of space for laboratories in order to conduct research, or whether it be the space of office, where there is rise of ideas[ Goldberger, P., 1974, Louis I. Kahn Dies; Architect was 73,” The New York Times, p 1.]. This particular institute reflects a wonderful combination of action and mind. The beautiful concrete surfaces of the building ensures detailing in a precise manner, along with a brilliant experience. The creation of structure has been done in such a manner that it takes into consideration the need for enclosing particular spaces, and does not seem to be relying upon a basic envelope for being covered under these particular spaces.



