



因此,总而言之,全球化在世界经济和该国的政治格局中造成了重大的变化。在这种背景下,个人要想掌控全球化首先要意识到他们必须改变。无论是作为消费者还是作为企业的一部分,个人首先必须意识到数字经济是如何运作的,以及他们如何利用它们(Goldberg, and Pavcnik, 2007)。由于全球化的影响,英语正在成为一种主导语言。在很多网站上,英语是主要的语言,作为一个人谁能写和理解好英语,因此可以更好地利用它。例如,即使是在进行小额购买的情况下,用户通常也希望在许多站点(从eBay或Amazon本地站点到相同的国际站点)之间比较价格。此外,用户还会想要对产品评论进行研究,以便购买产品。因此,一个精通语言的人将能够利用全球化市场提供的许多机会。传统的工作角色已经发生了转变。

在全球经济中,工作角色已经发生了变化,而且还有更多的岗位可供选择,但这些岗位只面向那些意识到这种变化的人。例如,一个了解正在发生的技术变化的形式以及技术变化将如何导致一些新的工作类型的人将能够利用它。在全球化的世界中,离岸工作大量开展,一些公司为了控制成本,甚至在国外通过特定的猎头公司进行招聘(Guscina, 2006)。这些猎头寻找的是特定的人才,他们可能不会在招聘网站上招聘,也可能不会提供传统薪酬方案等选择,而是会提供非常激进和不同的选择。在这种情况下,如果一个人是一个开放和自由的人,他就能够利用这些机会。个人开放的特点使他们更容易追求不同的选择。个人也可以在工作中获得新的经验,工作条件,工作时间等等。这种形式的个体对保守的人来说似乎是一种冒险,但另一方面,在全球化的世界中,个体是受益最多的。


Hence, to summarize globalization has caused a significant change in the economies of the world and also in the political landscape of the country. In this context, the first thing that an individual can be aware of with respect to globalization in order to take charge of it is to first become aware that they have to change. Individuals either as a consumer or as a part of a business must first be aware of how the digital economy works and how they could take advantage of them (Goldberg, and Pavcnik, 2007).English is emerging as a dominant language owing to the impact of globalization. English is the predominant language in a large number of websites, and as the individual who can write and understand good English hence can take better advantage of it. For instance, even in the context of making a small purchase, a user usually would like to compare the prices across many sites, from eBay or Amazon locally to the same internationally. Also, the user would want to research on the product review that would have been written and more in order to buy the product. And hence, a language savvy person would be able to use the many opportunities available in the globalized market. The traditional job roles have shifted.

In a global economy, the job roles have shifted and many more are available but these are only for the people who are aware of the shifts. For instance, a person who understands the form of technology changes that are happening and how the technology changes would result some newer job types would be able to take advantage of it. Offshore work is carried out in large numbers and some companies in the globalized world, in order to control costs are even resorting to hiring through specific head hunters in foreign countries (Guscina, 2006). These head hunters look for specific talent, and they might not hire on a job board or might not present options with traditional salary packages and more, but would rather present options that are quite radical and different. Now in this context, an individual would be able to tap into such opportunities if the individual is an open and liberal person. The characteristics of openness in the individual make them more comfortable with pursuing different options. The individual might also be able to open with newer experiences in work, working conditions, hours work times and more. This form of an individual might appear to be a risk taken to the more conservative, but on the other hand the individual is the one who would benefit the most in a globalized world.



