



比率分析是对公司的偿债能力、盈利能力、流动性和效率等财务和经营业绩的几个方面进行评价。以上计算比率的主要趋势是研究公司是否有改善或恶化,并有时间进行检查。2015年净资产收益率为18.44%,2014年为25.33% (Woolworths Limited, 2015a)。这说明净资产收益率在一年内出现了下降,这可以归因于平均股本的下降,然后是净利润的下降。ROA计算在2015年是7.85%,2014年为10.51%。这个描述,ROA的价值下降,可以认为在平均总资产价值的减少,其次是减少净利润(沃尔沃斯有限公司,2015年)。2015年营业利润率为5 (Woolworths Limited,2015a), 2014年营业利润率为5.80 (Woolworths Limited, 2014)。

这也描述了营业利润率的下降值,可以归结为营业利润和营业收入的下降值。这进一步说明在2014年,公司对成本有了更好的控制,销售额开始比成本增长更快。这一最优情况的要求在2014年比2015年更好。进一步来看,2015年毛利率为27.15,2014年毛利率为27.03。这说明毛利率的价值略有上升,这对业务非常有利,而其他比率在下降(Woolworths Limited, 2015a)。继续讨论,根据计算,2015年每股收益为1.32,2016年每股收益为1.84,略有下降。总体来说,由于各项财务比率略有波动,Woolworths公司一直面临一些问题。然而,这些问题是次要的,通过适当的策略,公司将能够提高其财务数字。


The analysis of ratio is used for the evaluation of several aspects in the financial and operating performance of the company like its solvency, profitability, liquidity and efficiency. The key trends of the above calculated ratios are to be studies with time for checking, if there is improvement or deterioration in the company. The ROE calculated as of 2015 is 18.44 per cent and as of 2014 is 25.33 per cent (Woolworths Limited, 2015a). This depicts that there has been a fall in the value of ROE within the period of one years, and can be attributed with the fall of average equity, followed by a fall in the value of net profit. The ROA calculated as of 2015 is 7.85 per cent and as of 2014 is 10.51 per cent. This depicts that there has been a fall in the value of ROA that can be attributed within decreasing value of average total assets, followed by a decrease in net profit (Woolworths Limited, 2015a). Further ahead, the operating profit margin as of 2015 is 5 (Woolworths Limited,2015a) and as of 2014 is 5.80 (Woolworths Limited, 2014).

This also depicts the decreasing value of operating profit margin and can be attributed with the decreasing value of operating profit and revenue. This further depicts that in the year 2014, the company had a better control over cost and the sales had started to increase faster in comparison with costs. This requirement of optimal situation was better for the year 2014 than 2015.Further ahead, the Gross Profit Margin as of the year 2015 was 27.15 and as of the year 2014 was 27.03. This depicts that there has been a slight increase in the value of gross profit margin which is quite favourable for the business while other ratios are declining (Woolworths Limited, 2015a). Moving ahead with the discussion, as calculated, there has been slight decrease in the value of EPS as of 2015 being 1.32 and as of 2016 being 1.84. Overall, with slight fluctuations in all of the financial ratios, the company of Woolworths has been facing some issues. However, these issues are minor, and with appropriate strategies, the company will be able to hike up its financial figures.



