



英国帝国化学工业公司(ICI)可以被认为是一家大型、跨国、多元化公司的最好例子。通过几种战略途径的实施,帝国化学工业公司作为企业母公司的角色,与企业的每一项需求都不匹配。ICI考虑在20世纪80年代寻找新的货源,以促进增长,以抵消旧产品的粗略销售。然而,最终它增加了本已难以管理和复杂的业务组合的复杂性(Mishra and Chandra, 2010)。ICI对极度变化的工业环境的反应似乎不同寻常。它涉及到一项分拆,导致业务被分成两家不同的公司,即捷利康(Zeneca)和新ICI。在当前时代,这两家公司都可以被视为比ICI过去单一公司所占投资组合份额更好的母公司。分离是企业用于重组的一种形式,在这种形式中,一个组织将把一个或多个企业转移到另一个企业。

通过子公司内部股份的转让和分配,子公司将公司的业务交给公司的股东来进行分拆(Mishra and Chandra, 2010),可以发生分拆。也可以通过将相关业务转让给公司发行股东的新业务来发生分立。重组是公司管理中的一个术语,指对组织的经营结构、法律结构、所有权或其他结构进行重组的行为。其关键目的是提高企业的盈利范围,或更好地组织当前的需求。重组的其他关键原因包括分拆;所有权结构或所有权的变化,或为应对危机或在整个企业发起重大变革(Whitley and Glaser, 2014)。组织重组的原因有很多,因此评估组织重组过程中成功或失败的关键因素就变得非常重要。


Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) of Britain can be considered as the best example of a huge, multinational, diversified company that by the delivery of several strategic approaches ended up creating a mismatch, between the role of ICI as a corporate parent and each and every need of the businesses. ICI considered sorting new sources to initiate growth during the years of 1980s for offsetting the rough sales of older items. However, in the end it ended up increasing the complications of an already hard to manage and complicated portfolio of the business (Mishra and Chandra, 2010). The response of ICI to an extremely changing industrial environment seemed to be unusual. It involved a demerger that resulted in splitting the business into two different companies, namely, Zeneca and new ICI. In the current era, both the companies can be seen as a better parent company to the share of old portfolio of ICI that was previously followed in a single corporation.Demerger is form used by businesses for restructuring, within which an organization will be transferring one or more undertakings to another business.

There can be occurrence of demerger by a spin-off through the transfer and distribution of shares within a subsidiary company that holds the business to the shareholders of the company to carry out the demerger (Mishra and Chandra, 2010). There can also be occurrence of demerger by the transfer of relevant business to the new business for issuing shareholders of the company.Restructuring is a term used in corporate management for the act to reorganize operational structures, legal structures, ownership or other structures of the organization. The key purpose is to enhance the scope of profitability for the business, or better organization of the current needs. Other key reasons to restructure include demerger; change in ownership structure or ownership, or for responding to a crisis or to initiate a major change across the business (Whitley and Gläser, 2014). There are a number of reasons due to which organizations restructure, and hence it becomes important to evaluate the key factors of success or failure in the process of restructuring.



