



作为一名领导者,我始终相信通过提供正确的工具、鼓励和培养远见来赋予他人权力,包括每一个人、集体和个人,以获得所有权。我相信在需要的时候承认自己的弱点,同时用我的言语和行动激励别人。我认为支持我的计划的领导理论是交易型和转型型的。我认为我自己是一个变革型的领导者,因为我的主要关注点是人们的学习经验和文化,同时我也看到了改变追随者的优先级和价值观的目标,从而激励他们超越自己的预期。我进一步相信,我是一个交易型领导,因为我相信在预测团队或个人业绩的同时,用奖励来定位需求和任务(Toth, 2004)。我期望从跟随者那里得到类似的结果,同时区分他们的表现是成功还是失败,奖励还是惩罚。

我认为这两种风格都是非常有效的,为了成功我将把它们结合起来使用(Miller, 2003)。正如Bass(1999)所说,变革型领导者最终会寻找新的工作方式,因此,我不相信对关键情况做出反应。我的主要努力总是集中在塑造和创造它们。我将考虑在任何需要增加努力的时候使用交易型领导策略,因为提高了与关键结果相关的心理意识(Wood, 2006)。通过增加追随者的自我意识和投入,我想我能够提高这一成功。为了分析和评价个人的领导理念,我采访了侯文邦、安森、盛和迈克尔四个人。侯文邦是我父亲,他一直在经营自己的行为。安森、盛和迈克尔是员工。


As a leader, I have always believed in empowering others by the provision of right tools, encouragement, and cultivation of vision, including each and every one, collectively and individually for taking ownership. I believe in admitting to my own weaknesses whenever required, while inspiring others for acting by my words and actions. I think the theories of leadership that tend to support my plan are both transactional and transformational. I consider myself as a transformational leader as my key focus is on the learning experiences and culture of people, while perceiving the goal to transform the priorities and values of my followers in order to motivate them to perform beyond the scope of their expectations. I further believe that I am a transactional leadership as I believe in orienting requirement and task with the rewards while anticipating the performance of group or individual (Toth, 2004). I hold the expectation of similar results from the follower, while differentiating their performance in terms of success or failure, and reward or punishment.
I think both of these styles are highly effective and I will use these in combination in order to be successful (Miller, 2003). As stated by Bass (1999), transformational leaders end up seeking new ways to work, and hence, I do not believe in reacting to key circumstances. My key efforts are always focused on shaping and creating them. I will consider using the strategies of transactional leadership whenever required for increment of effort as mental awareness are raised related to the key outcome (Wood, 2006). By the increment of self- awareness and investment among the followers, I think I will be able to heighten this success. For analysing and evaluating the personal idea of leadership, I have interviewed four people that are WenBang Hou, Anson, Shing and Michael. WenBang Hou is my father who has been running his own behaviour. Anson, Shing, and Michael are the employees.




