



在法国或荷兰,移民与当地居民的融合是很重要的。荷兰未能解决移民人口的社会融合或法律地位问题,造成了荷兰本土人口与外来务工人员之间的冲突。有一种假设是移民工人将不会面临任何问题来融入祖国,来自摩洛哥和土耳其的移民将返回他们的故乡(Bagley, 1973)。然而,事实正好相反。土耳其和摩洛哥的移民没有回国,他们的家人也加入了他们的行列。摆在荷兰人面前的最佳政策是让他们融入主流人群。尽管威尔德斯党极力反对移民,但荷兰对土耳其和摩洛哥居民的政策应该把重点放在就业和教育上。有了这些,我们也应该努力提高荷兰语的使用能力。荷属安的列斯群岛和苏里南的社区因熟悉当地语言和历史而获得了可观的收益。穆斯林和阿拉伯人也应该这样做。


On 25 November, 14 pig heads were dumped on the entrance of the construction site where the refugee center was going to be built. Perpetrators set the scene by putting pig’s heads over the fence and the ground to send the message of “welcome to hell”. With the knowledge that Muslim abstains from pork, it is clear that pig’s heads represent great intimidation. In the Youtube video, an angry citizen was interviewed, who expressed hatred and vehement opposition to the refugees, and worried about his wife and daughter. What he expressed was similar to what most of the citizens afraid of, which is the safety of women and teenage girls due to the prevalent view towards women in Muslim world. One man explained that women are regarded as objects and thus not treated equally. In the interview, there were opinions that Muslims regard the women as sex object who are subject to be thrown away after the objective is met. That’s why locals kept thinking that sexual assaults are great possible hidden dangers looming with regards to the Muslim immigrants. There were also huge conflicts between locals and C.O.A., which is a Dutch organization responsible for reception, supervision and departure of asylum seekers and refugees.
In France or Netherlands, the integration of the immigrants with the local population is important. Netherlands’ failure in addressing the social integration or the legal status of the migrant population has caused conflict between the native Dutch population and the guest workers. There were assumptions that the migrant workers will not face any problem to assimilate with the motherland and immigrants from the Morocco and Turkey would return to their native places (Bagley, 1973). However, what happened was the reverse. Instead of Turkey and Moroccan immigrants returning, their families from their homeland joined them. The best policy ahead of the Dutch is to integrate them to the mainstream population. The Wilders’ party with ravings towards anti-immigration postures notwithstanding, the Dutch policy towards the Turkish and the Moroccan residents should focus on the employment and the education. With these, there should also be endeavor towards the improvement of facility with respect to the Dutch language. There have been noticeable profits for communities of Netherlands Antilles and Suriname as they are familiar with the language and the history. And this should be repeated with the Muslim and Arab population.



