


本篇文章是一篇电影分析,他认为最好把救生筏上所有的动物都换成他在船上失去的人。这是将它们的个体特征与动物的特征联系起来的(但以理书第3章)。当他还是个小男孩的时候,他没有能力去应对沉船事件所带来的恐惧和悲剧,但是作为一个男人,他足够坚强去面对它。然而,与它生活和面对它是两个完全不同的东西(Garpelin 118)。圆周率的旅程还在继续,他应该接受在船上和救生筏上发生的事情。他长期处于拒绝的状态。此外,为了开始全面的问题,他需要面对具体的情况。本篇论文代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

He considered it best to replace all of the animals on the life raft with the people he lost on the ship. This was done relating their individual characteristics with the traits of the animals (Daniel 3). In this context, none of the events and actions are changed. When he was a young boy, he lacked the ability to cope up with the horror and tragedy surrounding him with the sinking of ship, but being a man, he was strong enough for facing it. However, living with it and facing it are two completely different things (Garpelin 118). The journey of Pi continues as he should be accepting the events that took place in his life on the ship and the life raft. He stays in the state of refusal for a long period of time. In addition, for beginning the overall question, he is in need of facing the specific situation.
From the heightened understanding of these perspectives, the movie entails the rite of passage in childhood for Pi. His journey from being a boy to becoming a man comes forward thoughtfully (Mandich 584). The journey reveals three essential rites of passage perspectives concluding physical power, vigilance of the mind and endurance at spiritual level. Within a rite of passage, the initial stage is separation. This is the stage when boy gets separated from his comfort zone and his family for discovering his own potential and strength. He gets challenged for beginning his search. The next stage is the transition stage in which the boy starts discovering what he will become when he reaches man hood. Within this stage, he is stretched for stepping within the role (Van Gennep 24). As he changed his whole personality, he was willingly accepting himself as a person. The prolonged suffering nature is emphasized from the other difficulties that Pi has to face throughout the course of his presence on the boat. With the maintenance of hope, Pi managed to push beyond his spiritual endurance.




