


本篇讲的是电影史,从这篇文章的角度来看,很明显,电影史是通过合作电影的例子来标记的,这些例子导致了制片人、导演、选角人员、摄制组成员的加入,有时还包括不同类型的电影。某些电影在物理上也具有一般空间的特殊性。我也能够理解,通过包括人类学本质、批判性教育学和社会话语建构主义在内的话语,追溯参与性媒体的历史是可能的(Telo, 2013)。本篇澳大利亚代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

From the perspective of this article, it is evident that cinema history has been marked through collaborative films examples that lead towards joining producers, directors, casting members, crew members and at times various films within individual film featuring. Certain such films have also got the particularity of a general space physically. I was also able to understand that it is possible to trace participatory media history through discourses inclusive of anthropological in nature and critical pedagogy as well as social discourse constructivism (Telo, 2013).
Furthermore, participatory based projects are such that they do not need an individual audience inclusive of individual empowerment, individual development and building network which might have an enough incentive along with it. Such practices of media are generally going to stay over the fringe, epitomize what is described by Howard as the intent of vernacular of much engagement networking. According to Jenkins et al. (2006), participatory culture helps in shifting the literacy training focus from individual expression over to the involvement of community. The amateur quality possible of such media is no challenge to community based conversations and learning based on peer groups but still most of the projects for participation are generally published. Participants, indeed, might wish for presenting the stories to audiences at large.
It is essential to understand in planning before production that publication helps in creating a very distinct kind of project. According to Mauro (2012), the distribution related technical easy does not lead towards guaranteeing projects that look for audiences as desired. According to Carpentier (2009), it has been depicted that audiences at large rarely lead towards appreciating projects based on participation, rather judge them through professional high budgeted media based production values. Some participation based film project has combined publications and involvement from community in a comfortable way as publications run higher negative reception risks. Web based media has made this a profitable option and it is more problematic to look at them as they once wrestles with copyright, plagiarism, legal problems, international law and the influence of publication on authors behalf.




