



Business Question: The business question at this point is to understand whether there is any significant difference when it came to outlets in terms of service quality and coffee quality. Understanding this difference will help in making recommendations for improvement for either of these outlets.Analysis Plan: The data for the service and quality marking as made by customer on a likert scale is collected. The charts derived for both the analysis are conducted. Business Question: The business question addressed here is whether a prediction of coffee bean mix researched in 2014 applies for proportions in January and December and to assess if the taste mix has changed overall between the months of January and December. The next expected market mix suggestions are to be assessed.
Based on analysis of data with respect to service quality, it shows that Outlet 2 has more markings in 1, 2 and 3. It indicates that customer thought that the service was poor to average. Outlet 1 has only one customer mark with the service as being poor. However, outlet 2 has some customer marketing in the high percentile as 5
Based on coffee quality, it can be seen that outlet 1 is better than outlet 2.
Outlet 2 should improve both its service and quality. It has to focus on improving its service such that its customers are more satisfied. Now comparatively outlet 1 is just doing slightly better. It is necessary for outlet 1 to focus on improvements.
The percentages of average combinations of espresso, mocha and sublime per mix are calculated, and based on the percentage, it is identified whether the ratio holds for January to December or not.
According to Table 1, the espresso, mocha and sublime observed for January are approximately 26 per cent, 16 per cent and 56 per cent. In the case of table 2, for December, it is 36 per cent espresso, 26 per cent mocha and 36 per cent sublime.
30% Espresso, 10% Mocha and 60% Sublime are the estimates made by market research. However, neither of the tables shows that the estimated was the same.
The predictions neither hold for January or for December
The taste mix overall between January and December has changed to include more Espresso and mocha and it has reduced in ratio with respect to sublime.
Based on the existing mix, it could be said that the January mix for the next year could have more espresso and more mocha balanced well with sublime.




