



人口将包括旅馆工作人员及其经理、游客和游客。由于被选择的群体具有相似的特征,所以他们被选为群体(Martinez, Perez and Del Bosque, 2013)。根据研究的目的,需要处理可持续性和伦理的需要、纳入的战略和执行的效果。本研究的第一步将是收集将直接受到酒店业变化影响的人群的数据(Maxwell, 2012)。这将包括旅馆工作人员和旅馆工作人员的经理。在这种情况下,来自顾客和游客的反馈也会变得很有价值,因为它可以让人们了解酒店如何对待顾客。在研究国家悉尼,平均每年约有3250万游客(Lewis, 2015)被记录在案。这涉及到对人口进行抽样,以评估较大人口中工作进程变化的影响。因此,从大量的人口中选择一个样本量是一个困难的决定。抽样的过程是受许多因素影响人口的规模、货币基金可供研究,参与这项研究的研究人员分析的结果研究和完成所需的时间研究(Moskwa Higgins-Desbiolles和吉福德,2015)。
一个好的人口样本需要涵盖很多重要的方面,比如样本应该准确地代表实际人口(Lohr, 2009)。应具有可由标准误差和标准偏差测量的精度。这些观点很重要,因为依赖它们的研究结果。这些观点通过节省劳动力成本,减少了进行研究的时间和成本等。这些样本人群将是无利可图的,因此调查是公正的。样本将是那些曾住在柏悦酒店或目前仍住在那里的人。通过在线调查,将有10万人有针对性地回答问卷(Martinez, Perez and Del Bosque, 2014)。这是一个相当大的样本量,有助于了解人们的意见。所采用的抽样方法将是一种由随机开始和固定周期间隔组成的系统抽样方法。通过各种媒体,如社交媒体和印刷媒体,人们可以了解调查情况。然后用户将在他们使用酒店服务的任何地方进行调查。一旦完成100,000个调查,研究数据就可以被汇编,结果也可以被分析(Cooper, Schindler, and Sun, 2003)。


The population would include the hotel staff and their managers, the visitors and tourists. They have been chosen as the population since the chosen population has similar characteristics (Martínez, Pérez and Del Bosque, 2013).According to the purpose of the research, the need, the strategies of incorporation and the effects of implementation for sustainability and ethics requires to be addressed. The first step in this research would be to collect data from the population that will be directly affected by the changes in the hospitality industry (Maxwell, 2012). This would include the hotel staff and managers of the hotel staff. The feedback from the customers and tourists would also become valuable in this case since it would give an insight to how the hotel treats its customers. In the country of study, Sydney, approximately 32.5 million visitors (Lewis, 2015) have been recorded on an average annually.This involves the sampling of population to assess the effect of changes in the work process in a larger population. Thus, choosing a sample size from a large population is a difficult decision. The process of sampling is affected by many factors like the size of the population, the monetary funds that are available for the study, the researchers who are involved in the study to analyse the results of the study and the time needed to complete the research study (Moskwa, Higgins-Desbiolles and Gifford, 2015).
A good sample of the population needs to cover a lot of important points like the sample should be an accurate representative of the actual population (Lohr, 2009). There should be precision that can be measured by the standard error and standard deviation. These points are important as the results of the research that depend on them. These points reduce the time and the cost of conducting the research by saving the labour costs, etc.This sample population would be non-profitable so that the survey is unbiased. The sample would be the people who have either stayed at park Hyatt or are currently staying there. Through the online survey, 100, 000 people would be targeted to answer the questionnaire (Martínez, Pérez and Del Bosque, 2014). This is a fair sample size which wold help in understanding the people’s opinion. The sampling approach used would be a systematic one that consists of a random start and fixed periodic intervals. The population can be informed about the survey using various media like social media and print media. Then the users would take up the survey wherever they would use the hospitality service. Once 100,000 surveys are completed, the research data can be compiled and results also can be analysed (Cooper, Schindler, and Sun, 2003).



