



雪山酒店集团拥有完善的人力资源管理体系,注重员工的激励和工作满意度的实现。通过使用共享服务中心,公司可以在组织内部维护这个人力资源管理系统。Berman等(2015)指出,由于共享服务中心是公司不同战略职能部门的融合,因此它往往会提高业务运营的效率,而业务运营效率是组织内部业务绩效的主要组成部分。Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley(2016)主要指出了使用共享服务中心的四个原因。它们主要是过程质量的提高、风险管理、生产率的提高和客户满意度的提高。就雪山酒店集团而言,提高经营业绩的效率是其主要关注点。他们为员工的工作满意度提供价值,因此,如果建立一个共享的服务中心,内部人力资源员工能够专注于战略管理,尤其是关注员工的需求,使他们能够更好地工作。


Snow Mountain Hotel group has a very good HR management system where they focus on encouraging the employees as well as on their fulfilment of job satisfaction. By using share service centres, it becomes possible for the company to maintain this HR management system within the organisation. Berman et al. (2015) remarked that as shared service centres are the amalgamation of different strategic functional departments of a company, therefore, it tends to improve the efficiency in business operations which is the main component of business performance within an organisation. Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley (2016) identified mainly four reasons behind the use of shared service centres. They are mainly the improvement of process quality, risk management, improvement of productivity and increasing customer satisfaction. As far as Snow Mountain Hotel Group is concerned, the main focus is on improving the efficiency of business performance. They provide value to employee job satisfaction and therefore, if a shared service centre is established, the in house HR staffs are able to focus on strategic management, especially focusing on the needs of employees so that they can perform better.
Purce (2014) remarked that shared service centres are not only meant for improving employee performance or improving convenience to employees. The main internal scope is to manage the risks that may arise within the organisation. The nature and characteristics of employees including their culture and way of working and living may differ from one hotel to another. In this context, it becomes possible for organisations to focus on strategic decision making so that these problems can be solved. Further, for larger organisations having more than 500 employees, HR tasks including recruitment and selection, training payroll and performance management, incentives and other factors tend to be time consuming. If they are done in a single place covering all the employees, it not only saves time for the in house HR staffs, but also brings efficiency in the management of employees within the organisation. Therefore, it can be said that the shared service centre is a good concept that can be applied in Snow Mountain Hotel for improving the efficiency of HR services.



