


本篇文章讲述的是肯德基必须采取可持续经营的形式,可持续采购食品。食品的来源必须开发,使食品保持新鲜的时间更长,从而停止食品浪费(Chakraborty, 1997)。该公司必须保持其对社会的承诺,确保食品的新鲜时间更长,并必须投资创新技术,使其能够做到这一点。确保减少粮食浪费将是一项重大的可持续性执行工作。对肯德基这样的公司来说,在技术上的投资将是一项重大成就,将在食品行业创造一种趋势。本篇澳洲代写被发现文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Sustainable operations must be adopted by KFC in the form of sustainable sourcing of food products. The food sourcing must be developed such that the food is kept fresh for longer and hence food wastage is stopped (Chakraborty, 1997). The company must keep its commitment to society by ensuring the food is fresh longer and has to invest in innovative technology that would enable it to do the same. Ensuring less wastage in the form of food would be a significant sustainability implementation. The investment in technology would be a significant achievement for a company such as KFC that would create a trend in the food industry.

Companies like Danone by means of ambitious sustainability initiatives was able to bring down its carbon footprint by more than 30 percent in 2011 (Kruglianskas, & Vilanova, 2013). KFC must attempt to meet ambitious goals when it comes to sustainability. Finally, KFC at present has been caught in many sourcing issues with countries like India. KFC wants a significant percentage of the meat to be brought from the United States instead of being sourced locally (Rao & Parekh, 2016; Kutty & Kutty, 2014). The food miles of KFC increases leading to more carbon emissions in its supply chain (Smith et al, 2006). This should be avoided by KFC. Food miles add on from the sourcing, the distribution to the final destination. The entire supply chain is hence the creation of a carbon foot print in the form of energy expenditure and more (McKinsey & Company, 2016). The CEO of KFC by focusing on these issues will be able to reap both environmental and monetary advantages. The amount of investment in operations, such as transportation and energy usage charges would reduce tremendously.
Sustainable operations and supply chain management are fast becoming the cornerstones for successful business management. The sustainability management initiatives that a company would take would depend on the management. There are competitive elements that a business cannot afford to lose. Cost advantages by reducing energy and material costs and the increased reputation because of its sustainability initiatives are significant as competitive elements.




