



本文的研究范围仅局限于理解沟通是如何在人们对灾难的厌恶中起到至关重要的作用。本文将受到限制,因为这里可能不讨论危机的其他方面。此外,本文还试图通过这一案例研究分析,展示不同的研究文献是如何讨论阿波罗13号任务中使用的Bricolage技术的。将介绍对项目通信管理提供咨询意见有用的主题。阿波罗13号危机凸显了在危机背景下所需要的领导力和激励因素。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)飞行主管吉恩·克兰兹(Gene Kranz)认为,在他的领导下,危机得到了控制。在危机发生的最初阶段,任务控制中心主要需要了解飞船里发生了什么。爆炸后,多个警报被触发,故障系统指示继续进行。有一些信息同时被发送进来。


The communication elements here were between the NASA ground crew and the people in the spacecraft. The safety and proper return of the astronauts was given utmost importance. With so many risks that could have exacerbated the crises, it was the communication between the crew members and the crew members with the spacecraft, that led to the successful reentry of the spacecraft and the crew member’s safety. The crises continued for around three days. During the crises, the NASA ground team made use of the bricolage. The bricolage is a skill technique that would be helpful in the case of disasters. An unsuccessful crisis was turned into a safer one because of efficient communication.Good communication is imperative in the context of a disaster. The crises situation of Apollo 13 led to an extension of 3 days in the mission of Apollo 13 and the communication between stakeholders of mission in an efficient and timely way was led to the success of the project.The paper will discuss how efficient communication will consider different stakeholders. The focus is on leadership, motivation in the context of a crisis, and the bricolage theory that was used in the context of the NASA crises.
The scope of the paper is only limited to understanding how communication played a vital role in the aversion of the disaster. The paper will be limited in that other aspects of the crises might not be discussed here. Furthermore, the paper also attempts to show, by means of this case study analysis, how different research literatures have discussed the Bricolage techniques used in Apollo 13 mission. The themes to be useful for advising project communication management will be presented.The Apollo 13 Crises highlight such elements of leadership and motivation that are required in the context of a crisis. NASA flight director Gene Kranz figures as the leader under whose watch the crises was controlled. In the initial times of the crises, the Mission Control primarily needed to understand what was happening in the spacecraft. After the explosion, multiple alarms were being set off and failure systems indication went on. There was some information being sent in at the same time.



