



世界各地有不同的新闻频道,澳大利亚也是如此。然而,随着新闻传播渠道的不断增加,高质量的新闻报道被忽视了(Wolfsfeld, 2011)。本文通过选择合适的新闻文章来确定什么是高质量的新闻以及它的重要性。通过分析它们之间的比较和对比,这将是显而易见的。选择的两个新闻来源是SBS,澳大利亚和西澳大利亚的报纸。在整个批判性分析过程中,重点将放在比较和对比每个故事构建相似问题的方式上。分析将包括评估每个故事的质量。重点将放在什么做得好,什么做得不好,以及对高质量新闻的性质及其在社会中的作用的评价。第一篇文章来自西澳大利亚报纸。

在这篇文章中,新闻报道是在一种恰当表述的意义上发生的。在开始报道整个新闻之前,作者简要地描述了这个问题。这使读者能够简明扼要地承认这个问题。这份简报描述了伍德赛德石油公司(Woodside Petroleum)在缅甸海域发现2.4万亿立方英尺天然气的方式。从这个问题来看,新闻的议程是明确的(Wolfsfeld, 2011)。根据第3周的set reading,在辩论中需要意识到的一个基本问题是,不同的问题来自不同的媒体,它们需要合并成一般媒体的单一结果(Guzman-Ortega et al., 2013)。这是新文章在讨论这个问题的单个结果方面获得的另一个好处。


There are different journalism channels across the world and so is the case in Australia as well. However, with the increasing channels of journalism, lesser focus has been afforded to good quality journalism being presented (Wolfsfeld, 2011). This paper through selection of appropriate news articles determines what are good quality journalism and the way in which it is essential. This will be evident by analysing the comparison and contrast between them. The two news sources selected are SBS, Australia and West Australia newspapers. Throughout this critical analysis, focus will be laid on comparing and contrasting the way in which every story constructs the similar issue. The analysis will involve evaluating the quality in every story selected. The focus will be on what is done well, what is not does well, what evaluation suggests on the good quality journalism nature and its role across the society. The first article was from West Australia newspaper.

In this article, news representation took place in a properly formulated sense. The author clearly described the issue in brief before initiating to cover the entire news. This allowed the reader to acknowledge the issue succinctly. The brief described the way in which Woodside Petroleum discovered 2.4 trillion gas cubic feet off of Myanmar as the company booked its enhanced hydrocarbon resource increase. From this issue, the agenda of the news was clear (Wolfsfeld, 2011). According to the Week 3 set readings, an essential problem which needs to have awareness over within the debates is that distinct issues come from distinct media, and they need to be conflated into a single outcome for the general media (Guzman-Ortega et al., 2013). This was another point of benefit that the new article has gained in terms of discussing single outcome of the issue.



