



组织文化类型框架也被用来识别昆士兰健康的文化。通过分析,可以看出组织中存在层级结构。选择这种文化的主要原因是组织中存在着严格的控制,结构复杂而固定。组织文化是通过使用这个框架以及诸如:高层管理文化和决策制定不整合等问题来确定的。路径目标理论用于识别领导者的行为。路径目标理论认为,领导者使用最符合员工和组织利益的特定行为。这种行为有助于完成任务,同时提高员工的士气和动机(Northhouse, 2004)。调查发现,昆士兰的领导们使用全面控制政策和行为来完成任务,但这种行为对环境和员工都不好。在授权,员工动机,满意度和生产力的下降被观察。


Leadership styles discussed by Hersey-Blanchard were used in discussing the leadership style at Queensland health care organization. One of the main issues coming from the side of the employees was about delegation. Leadership style used at the company was delegation and employees were not happy with these styles. Various employees suggested that they have given recommendation for various times but the process is strong and long. They are unable to communicate easily with their leaders and their leaders are not willing to take any input from their team members. They are only delegating the duties and using their power to get every task completed. Dimensions of maturity suggested that employees are competent but they do not think that they can do their tasks. Lukaszewski (2008) commented that the main reason was the lack of support from their leaders. Proper inspiration and motivation was lacking which was stopping the growth of employees. Issues of disempowerment of the employees, total control and no role of employees in decision making were identified by using this theory.
Organizational culture type framework was also used to identify the culture at Queensland health. After the analysis, it can be suggested that hierarchical structure is present at the organization. The main reason for selecting this culture was that strict control was present in the organization and the structure was complex and fixed. Organizational culture was identified by using this framework along with issues like: culture of top management and decision making not integrated.Path goal theory was used to identify the behaviour used by the leaders. Path goal theory suggests that the leader uses the particular behaviour that is in the best interest of the employee and organization. This behaviour helps in achieving the tasks along with an increase in the morale and motivation of the employee (Northhouse, 2004). It was identified that leaders at Queensland were using total control policy and behaviour for achieving the tasks but this behaviour was not good for the environment and for employees. Decrease in empowerment, employee motivation, satisfaction and productivity were observed.



