





In today’s healthcare environment, it is observed that they are rapidly changing and also becoming increasingly complex. For the patients who need to navigate the complex system, they need to make healthcare decision. In addition to the complexity, the patients have a limited range of the health literacy. These need to manage the healthcare to become more complex. The lower health literacy levels of the nurses and health care workers have lower literacy limitation. It has become imperative for the healthcare workers to recognize the patients when they are struggling to understand the health associated instructions. They are used for the identification of the patients and for compensation of the health literacy limitations. These are used for the appropriate interventions. This is done to assure the patient’s comprehension of the health conditions and address the self-care behaviour of the people (Welsh et al., 2012).

The lower health literacy is prevalent in the elderly adults. These are estimated to be at least 36% of the adults of the United States. This is higher in the minority community. The nurses working in the domain need to have the technical skills to help the patients with the lower health literacy levels. The use of the fewer preventive care is imperative for the growth. It is been observed that some of the yearly healthcare costs that are found to arise from the lower health literacy levels that range between 106 to 238 billion dollars.




