



传统上,从时装秀上,零售商从不同的商店购买产品,并把它们储存在他们的商店里,从那里产品被卖给实际的消费者。公司积极开展限时抢购(Zhang, Kim, and Xing, 2015)。这是一个销售概念,其中有许多折扣和增值服务的产品,由公司提供。Omni渠道营销和推广很容易通过闪购的概念(Skorobogatykh, Saginova, and Musatova, 2014)。公司专注于通过网络和零售渠道进行销售推广。销售产品的公司在其在线商店中建立了“实体”概念(Alberti, and Pizzurno, 2013)。为了增强店内体验,它添加了许多特色功能,为产品创建一个明确的品牌形象(Ahrendts, 2013)。名人代言是促进销售的一个关键因素。这些名人代言提高了产品的生命周期(Ahrendts, 2013)。Burberry为了销售自己的产品,特别重视社交媒体和数字媒体工具(Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011)。
像Facebook和Twitter这样的社交媒体非常重要。该公司是社交媒体上关注该品牌人数最多的公司之一。这一因素使得该公司能够从传统的品牌形象转变为更多的(Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011) .公司调整了营销策略,以迎合企业对企业营销和企业对消费者营销(Ahrendts, 2013)。据该公司观察,批发市场营销已从企业转向消费者。由于该公司选择了在线零售渠道,它能够创建不同的渠道,直接向终端消费者销售产品。这家公司生产了许多商品。初步审计工作已经完成。它是基于定性和定量的评估。它试图满足每个零售商的需求。这使得生产过程极其繁琐,在产品的实际设计中花费了大量的时间。公司决定专注于核心业务,降低了产品的多样化。创意团队设计产品,让制造商生产产品。


Traditionally from fashion shows, retailers from various outlets used to buy products and stock them in their stores, from which the product was sold to the actual consumer. Company aggressively embarked on flash sales (Zhang, Kim, and Xing, 2015). It is a sales concept where there are a number of discounts and value added services that are provided for the products by the companies. Omni channel marketing and promotion is easily facilitated by the concept of flash sales (Skorobogatykh, Saginova, and Musatova, 2014). Company focused on promotions of sales through online and retail channels. The company to sell the products established “Brick and mortar” concepts in its online stores (Alberti, and Pizzurno, 2013). In order to enhance the in-store experience, it added a number of characteristic features to create a definitive brand persona for the product (Ahrendts, 2013). Celebrity endorsements were a key factor to develop sales. Product lifecycle was enhanced because of these celebrity endorsements (Ahrendts, 2013).Special importance was given to social media and digital media tools by Burberry in order to sell its products (Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011).
There was a lot of importance given to social media like Facebook, Twitter. Company has one of the highest numbers of people who are following the brand in social media. This factor had enabled the company to shift from traditional brand persona to a more (Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011) .Company aligned the marketing strategies to cater to the Business-to-Business marketing and Business to Consumer marketing (Ahrendts, 2013). There has been a shift from wholesales marketing to businesses to consumers that has been observed by the company. Owing to the company opting for online retail channels, it was able to create different channel that sold products to the end consumer directly. There were a number of merchandises that were produced by the company. Initially auditing was done. It was based on qualitative and quantitative assessments. It tried to suit the needs of every retailer. This made production process extremely cumbersome and extensive time was spent in actual designing of the product. The company decided to focus on Core and it reduced product diversification. Creative team designs the product and makes the manufacturers produce the product.



