


是importanct供給方和需求方之間界定政策以提高勞動力市場的運作,以匹配人們可用的工作。為了解決結構性失業問題,當務之急是減少職業不動。學徒計劃幫助開發新的技能以及提供就業和僅在2013年大約有500000人在英國開始了他們的學徒。工作場所培訓,提供了地理靜止的勞動力和貨幣福利工資和稅收改革可以作為鼓勵因素增加就業。政府可以引進新的plicies增加需求通過引入就業補貼和/或就業減稅(需求方面的政策)。英國的一些已經克百威政策包括政府補貼的企業提供長期失業者,如根據英國青年合同雇主授予總結£2275年齡組之間的僱傭年輕人的18 – 24(萊利,2016)。



It is importanct to make demarcation between supply-side and demand-side policies in order to enhance the functioning of the labour market so as to match people to the jobs available. To tackle the issue of structural unemployment, it is imperative to reduce occupational immobility. Apprenticeship schemes help develop new skills along with giving employment and in 2013 alone around 500,000 people began their apprenticeships in the UK. Work place training, offering reduced geographical immobility of the labour and monetary benefits as wages and tax reforms could act as encouraging factors to increase employment. Government can bring in new plicies to increase demand by introducing employment subsidies and/or employment tax cuts (demand-side policy). Some such already exsisting policies of the UK includes Government subsidies for the businesses who provide the long-term unemployed, such as under the UK Youth Contract employers are awarded sum up to £2,275 for employing youth between age group of 18-24 (Riley, 2016).

Another problem interlinked to the issue of unemployment is the skills shortages in the UK which is adversely affecting its economic recovery and adverserly affecting the productivity of businesses. The chief executive of Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), Kevin Green puts a disturbing picture of skills shortage in UK where in aroud 43 areas of employment lacks skilled people. All the branches of engineering, medical institutes as well as teaching staff are falling short of people with adequate skills. Especially, regarding lack of proficient people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, also called STEM subjects (Gambin & Hogarth, 2016). 40 per cent employers looking for staff efficient in Stem skills are facing challenges.



