
澳洲 代写:投资战略


澳洲 代写:投资战略

投资战略具有相当长的期限,与负债和契约的情况相一致。在这种情况下,散户投资者将在未来几年合理地持有某些投资(Jeong et al., 2009)。随着投资期限的延长,这一比例最终会上升。然而,风险溢价的手段将不会在任何时候提供额外的回报。私人市场平台往往提供的结构和投资机会,在公开市场中是不存在的。除了提供回报或公开市场对偿还计划的债务有显著帮助外,亦会提供额外回报。这类投资往往能够带来额外的回报,同时提供多样化优势。通过有效构建投资组合的多样化,可以在分散多个因素的同时降低风险(Seasholes and Zhu, 2010)。这有助于减少对特定风险方案的不利影响,同时限制由于多样化而全面减少的风险。风险有多个方面,根据负债使用几种方法可以最好地管理和理解风险。不是每一项投资对每一个投资者都有同等的风险。投资哲学是投资的核心理念与指导投资决策的实践和原则的结合。
投资的核心信念可以概括为以下几个方面(Daniel et al., 2012)。投资决策往往需要在回报和风险之间进行有意识的权衡。必须考虑有效的多样化,以便在商定风险参数的情况下使收益最大化。与直接投资组合相比,专业管理下的基金往往提供更有效和更有效的多样化。在投资市场中,没有效率,价格将不具有相等的价值,因此,更经常的是,资产估值过低或过高。与指数基金和被动管理基金相比,主动管理的基金将增加更多的价值,同时提供更高的净收益。投资者不能被认为是理性的,而是受到内在的基础和情感的影响。利用非传统的策略和资产有助于提高投资组合的收益与风险的调整。这对于管理下行风险至关重要,尤其是股票市场的风险。当前的时代是专业化的时代,特别注重财务规划和投资方面的优势,并将其他优势外包出去。

澳洲 代写:投资战略

The strategy of investment has a considerably long term horizon in alignment with the liability and covenant profile. In such a scenario, the retail investor will be justifiably holding certain investments in the years to come (Jeong et al., 2009). This ends up increasing as the horizon of investment lengthens. However, the means of risk premia will not be providing addition return at all times. Private market platforms tend to be providing structures and opportunities of investment that are not present in the case of public market. There is provision of extra return in addition to the ones providing returns or public markets significantly helpful to meet the liabilities of scheme. This category of investment tends to be enabling extra returns, while providing accessibility of diversification advantages. Diversification by effective construction of portfolio allows the mitigation of risk while spread across a number of factors (Seasholes and Zhu, 2010). This helps in reducing the adverse effect on the scheme of a specific risk, while limiting the overall reduction of risks due to diversification. There are multiple facets of a risk, and it can be best managed and understood by the use of several approaches in accordance with liabilities. Not every investment will be involving equal risks to each and every investor. The philosophy of investment is a combination of core beliefs of investment within the practices and principles guiding the decision making in investment.
The core beliefs of investment can be characterized as follows (Daniel et al., 2012).Decision making for investment tends to be involving a conscious trade- off among returns and risks. There is essential consideration of effective diversification to maximize return with the parameters of risk agreed upon.Funds under professional management tend to be providing more effective and efficient diversification in comparison with direct portfolios of investment. There is no efficiency in the investment markets, in which price will not be having equal value, and hence, more often, there is undervaluation or overvaluation of assets.Funds with active management will be adding more value, while providing high net returns in comparison with the index funds or passively managed funds. Investors cannot be considered rational, but are affected in inherent bases and emotionsThe utilization of non- traditional strategies and assets help in the improvement of portfolio returns with adjustment of risks.It is crucial for managing the downside risk, specifically the risk of equity market.The current era is that of specialization, specifically focused upon strengths in financial planning and investment, and outsourcing the others.



