



从工人的角度来看,这个理论有一定的好处。在一定程度上,员工是根据他们的工资来选择为公司工作的,而雇主是根据他们的生产力来给员工支付工资的。雇佣员工是为了他们的资格,而不是工作场所存在的裙带关系。因此,这一理论被普遍认为是受人们欢迎的。尽管如此,员工们还是觉得这个理论没有解决一些问题。不可避免的和无形的元素一般被忽略了(Lindner, 1998)。工人们总是担心失业。他们开始觉得自己只是在被剥削,工作单调乏味。

这导致了员工的积极性普遍丧失(Cole, 2004)。这一理论也普遍导致了工会力量的削弱。他们关注的是数量,因为这是雇主衡量生产率的方式。这导致了服务质量的普遍下降。雇主们认为实施这一理论的成本很高。他们需要对工人进行培训,需要大量的食品投资。实践的标准化和一夫一妻制需要大量的时间,员工提供的服务质量普遍下降(Lindner, 1998)。一般来说,有人认为这一理论有一定的优点,但并没有解决所有争论的问题。


From the viewpoint of the workers, this theory has certain benefits. To a certain extent, the employees choose to work for the company based on their wages and the employers pay the employee based on their productivity. Employees being hired for their qualifications was a change from the nepotism that was existing in the work place. Owing to this, this theory was generally considered welcome by the people. Nevertheless, the employees felt there were certain issues that this theory does not deal with. The inextricable and intangible elements in general were overlooked (Lindner, 1998). There was a constant fear of being unemployed by the workers. They started to feel that they were merely exploited and there was monotony of the work.

This led to a general loss of motivation for the employees (Cole, 2004). This theory also generally caused the trade unions to be weakened. There was focus on quantity as that was how productivity was measured by the employers. This led to a general reduction of the quality of services. The employers felt that implementation of the theory was expensive. They needed to spend in training of the workers and there was a need for heavy food investments. The standardization and monogamy of practices required extensive time and there was general reduction of the quality of services that were provided by the employees (Lindner, 1998). In general, it was contended that this theory had certain merits but did not address all the issues in contention.



