
澳洲 代写:政府政策的实施


澳洲 代写:政府政策的实施


澳洲 代写:政府政策的实施

澳洲 代写:政府政策的实施

The three problems identified in the policy, which can affect the efficiency and effectiveness are as follows: Power Granted to Police and Food Safety Officer: – As mentioned in the policy, the Police officer can raid the area without any warrant and with any equipment such as gun. This encourages the power in the hands of police and can be autocratic at times. The policy gives immunity to Food Safety officer from civil and criminal prosecution and thus not having a check on them.Excessive Government Intervention: – Excessive Intervention means excessive rules which don’t allow people to grow food freely. Government’s higher intervention in subsides will not let the price of commodity increase by itself through the equilibrium of demand and supply. People need excessive authorization to distribute food including essential items. By having control on seeds will discourage the people to cultivate more and free movement of seeds.

澳洲 代写:政府政策的实施
Inequality in Distribution of Subsidies: – Only few of the corps and meats are covered under the criteria of subsidies. However, different farmer produces different meat and crop. If they are not provided with subsidies, it will affect their business, because the people who got subsidies would sell it at cheaper rate. The policy heavily underestimated the effort of self-sufficient producer and local communities. Unintended Consequences of the policy: Excessive Control on Seed is something that would increase the price of commodities as the production could decrease. Excessive authorization in distribution would lead to the spoilage of food, as the food might be spoiled in Warehouse. Uneven subsidy would lead to the distortion of prices and market. It would even not let the market price move freely. Environmental Challenges: – Subsidy is only provided to certain crops, thus farmers would intend to grow that crop and not rotate the crops and this would gradually degrade the land fertility.



