



Beauty, within China, can even override anything that has been achieved by a women. Disregard that the women has achieved class, money or connections in business and family. This is to a less range than men. The capability to rank individuals based upon the appearance of physicality is quiet high in the society of China. The beautiful women objectification as per Esterik results in encouragement of appearance based essentialism.
Such surfaces further have gendered and they materialize easily and easily get transformed by displaying, presenting and daily practices focused over female’s as icons of visual nature. This gendered surface notion suggests requirement to individuals for mastering related concerns. The concerns can be social, ritualistic and even fastidious presentations of their own selves so as to be regarded as pretty within the space of public. The self-presentation command is not given before rather it is a procedure of discipline in the body.
In comparison to the notion of Butler (2000), on performativity of gender, the Chinese beauty notion can further be acknowledged as a social beauty discourse performative influence. Such beauty based social discourse can be communicated along with being implemented by formalized training such as the system of national education. However it is more significantly by institutions in the society such as media of mainstream level. The social norms media’s reiteration by their repetitive image production with specific association to pretty women, is highly pervasive.
It is often mistaken as the reality based media reflection. From this perspective, however, it has been stressed by Butler that performativity is not only an individual actions as it is always a norms based reiteration. To this range, it acquires a status which is act like in the current. It results in concealing or dissimulating the conventions of this which is a repeat. According to Hathaway (2002), the social reality notions have been questioned. She has asserted that everything that has been regarded as nature as a matter of fact is a social consciousness embodiment. According to Hathaway, nature only is the culture based raw form that can be preserved, appropriated, enslaved and exalted or made reliable to dispose through culture in the capitalist colonial logic. Beauty of femininity then becomes a social media to establish control over the bodies of women. It is often regarded as a required product of women. It is also regarded as worthy of time, capital and pain investment. Such beauty performativity to certain range has applicability to influential impermanence teachings of Buddha and the non-self.
This is because these teachings in historical texts explained the male and female based individual essences as illusions of the world. Referring to the karmic law based beliefs of Buddha and the sense of reincarnation, beauty is the subject of theoretical nature subjected to enhance fluidity of individuals instead of essence of fixed nature. This concept, however, is further a problem as it focuses that various beauty degrees of people depend over the Kamma based personal accumulation. Unwittingly this leads to signifying the beauty of female as a reflection of individual Kamma positivity. Henceforth it becomes better to view someone who is pretty because beauty is interpreted and popularized as a goodness sign in China.




