



假设某人是一名职业记者,那么他或她就会对自己的职业承担道德责任和基于道德的义务。更重要的是,新闻工作者负有特殊的责任,提供公民在政治决策中需要的信息。这样一个与新闻相关的理论,或多或少是要把人们的利益置于各种规范性研究之上的。这些研究人员的范围从新闻自由(1947)到哈金斯委员会和骑士委员会在民主环境中的信息需求(Reich, 2008)。有广泛的新闻学院,包括专业人士协会,报纸和新闻学院与新闻道德促进。与医学和法律等专业不同,记者当然不需要接受专业教育,也不需要通过任何考试或获得任何证书。大多数主流报纸都拒绝制定官方的道德规范,尤其是以合法的方式保护自己。作为一种认证条件,新闻学院需要学生学习新闻伦理。许多新闻媒体以及从事新闻工作的组织都有道德准则或明确的道德目标或使命(Reich, 2008)。
道德规范一般是从社会责任的角度形成的观点,解释了人们对道德规范的普遍认知背后的原因。这种普遍的感知存在于道德哲学和伦理领域中,与优先级和法律相对立,特别是产生了表达规则集的代码。这些规则集用于新闻业的正常实践,并激发最高的职业理想。网络环境可能需要改变记者的态度,并进行专业或非专业的实践。Friend(2007)认为,当记者评估和使用基于web的数据源的数据时,验证、源透明性和准确性需要更多的关注。此外,在一个结合了内容赞助、专有数据和广告的在线环境中,记者在将内容划分为编辑部分和商业部分时面临着新的问题(Reich, 2008)。从印刷报纸版本到基于web的版本,视觉分析识别和评论可能会丢失。


It is assumed that if someone is a professional journalist, then he or she would have ethical responsibilities and virtue based commitments with regard to their profession. More significantly, there is a special responsibility with journalists of providing information that citizens require for making decisions politically. Such a press related theory is responsible for the interest of the people to be more or less laid out over various normative researches. These researchers range from the Freedom of the Press (1947) to the Hutchins Commission and the Informational needs of Knight Commission within a democratic environment (Reich, 2008). There are a wide range of institutes of journalism, inclusive of associations for professionals, newspapers and schools for journalism with journalism ethics promotion. Unlike the professions such as medicine and law, journalists of course are not needed to have education of professional nature or pass any tests or gain any certification. Most key newspapers reject establishing an official ethical code especially for protecting their own selves in a legal manner. As an accreditation condition, schools for journalism need students to study the ethical journalism. Many news media as well as organizations performing journalism, do have ethical codes or explicitly stated goals of ethics or missions (Reich, 2008).
The perspective that ethical codes are generally formed from a perspective of social responsibility provides explanation on the reason behind general perception on codes. This general perception lies in being be present within moral philosophy and ethical domain in opposition to precedence and law especially resulting in codes articulating rule sets. These rule sets are used for normal practice in journalism along with inspiring the highest professional ideals. Contexts over the web might require modification in journalist’s attitude and practise either professionally or not. According to Friend (2007), verification, source transparency and accuracy require more focus when journalists are assessing and using data from web based sources. Also, journalists face newer issues when separating content over editorial section and commercial section in an online environment that combines content sponsorship, proprietary data and advertisements (Reich, 2008). The visual analysis identification and commentary may get lost from a printed newspaper version to that of a web based version.



