





根据几位作者的说法,马基雅维利继承了人文主义的传统,这种传统可以追溯到15世纪,也不再接近反基督教。这是通过人文主义的斗争,在圣奥古斯丁的教义中,与智慧的接受、形成和维系相反,人类的堕落是不完整的。人类可以选择有意义的自然而不是他们的命运和生命(Burke, 1999,第16-30页)。男人有嫉妒的天性,有一种责备的敏捷性(马基雅维利,1979,第39-45页)。他们在表扬和发现方面行动迟缓。引入任何更新的原则和系统都是危险的,因为未知的探索是危险的。即使在这之后,做可能被证明是每个人的普遍优势的事情可能会让人觉得很有吸引力。这些是马基雅维利对人类的感情(伯克,1997,第16-30页)。他进一步相信他已经开辟了一条新的道路,这条道路还没有被其他任何人所遵循。他还说,这可能会被证明是有问题的,但它可能会带来更多的回报,因为有个人在考虑这些措施。


A humanist as already depicted in the introduction has a world view of naturalistic nature. This was essential to Machiavelli as well, as for him the supernatural forces non-existence made the value placed over responsibility of humans as much enhanced (Machiavelli, 1979, pp. 39-45). From this perspective, Machiavelli also believed that morality is not something that has certain origin of supernatural nature, but it derives from the requirement of living collectively within communities (Machiavelli, 1983, pp. 26-41). Such a conviction naturally leads towards a concern that the acts need to contribute towards welfare and happiness. This welfare should not only be of one self but also of the other individuals. In the present age, it is disappointing to see that humanism has in turn become a term of narrow and partisan nature denoting atheism effectively with some good components of public relationships. This was not the case all the time (Machiavelli, 2016, pp. 28-54, pp. 28-54).

According to several authors, Machiavelli inherited the humanism tradition which can be traced back to 15th century and also was no more closer to anti-Christian. It was contended through Humanism that on the contrary end to wisdom reception, formation and sustenance within the St Augustine’s teachings, corruption of humans was not complete. It is possible for humans to make choices of meaningful nature over their destiny and lives (Burke, 1999, pp. 16-30). Men are of envious nature and have a promptness for blaming (Machiavelli, 1979, pp. 39-45). They become slow in praising and making discoveries. Introducing any newer principles as well as systems is also threatening as unknown explorations are. Even after this, it might feel compelling towards doing what might prove as a general advantage of everyone. These were the feelings of Machiavelli towards humanity (Burke, 1997, pp. 16-30). He further believed that he has opened a newer path which not yet has been followed through any other person. He also stated that it is possible for this to prove as problematic, but it might further bring rewards as there are individuals looking over such measures.



