



皇冠度假村年度报告的潜在读者包括内部利益相关者和外部利益相关者。需要注意的是,内部的利益相关者是那些直接参与公司管理的个人或政党(CR, 2016)。因此,它们可以影响或影响实体的成功或失败,因为它们在组织中具有既得利益。根据皇冠度假酒店的说法,跟随内部利益相关者可以成为皇冠度假酒店年度报告的潜在读者。所有者:拥有该企业的团体或个人。他们可能是皇冠度假村的股东或合伙人。雇员:他们是在皇冠假日酒店工作的人。经理:管理整个部门的个人,如总经理、销售经理等。


董事会:这些人管理着皇冠度假村的法人实体。投资者:在皇冠度假胜地投资的团体或个人。有一些外部的利益相关者也被发现是皇冠度假村年度报告的潜在利益相关者。外部利益相关者主要是那些不属于管理部门,但间接受到公司工作影响的各方(Crown Resorts, 2016)。因此,它们是构成业务环境的一个方面的外部各方。对于皇冠度假村来说,外部利益相关者包括政府、客户、供应商、竞争对手、客户、债权人、工会、媒体和社区组织等。


The potential readers of the Crown Resorts Annual report incorporate the internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. It should be noted that the internal stakeholders are found to be those individuals or parties that are directly involved in the company’s management (CR, 2016). Hence, they can be influenced or influence the entity’s success or failure as they have a vested interest within the organization. In accordance with the Crown Resorts, following internal stakeholders can be the potential readers of the Crown Resorts’ annual report.Owners: A group or an individual that owns this business. They could be shareholders or partners of Crown Resorts.Employees: They are those individuals that work for Crown Resorts.Managers: An individual managing the entire department within Crown Resorts like General Manager, Sales Manager, etc.

Board of Directors: These are those individuals governing the incorporated entity of Crown Resorts.Investors: The group or individual who have invested money in the Crown Resorts.There are some external stakeholders who are also found to be the potential stakeholders of the Crown Resorts’ annual report.External stakeholders are mainly found to be those parties that are not a part of the management but are influenced indirectly by the company’s work (Crown Resorts, 2016). Therefore, they are the external parties which frame an aspect of the business environment. For Crown Resorts, external stakeholders are government, customers, suppliers, competitors, clients, creditors, trade unions, media, and community organizations, etc.



