



在垄断的情况下,非线性定价作为一种提高盈利水平的方法已经在许多行业得到了应用。在众多的基于使用的非线性定价方案中,三部分电价是一种非常受欢迎的定价方法。该关税包括一个固定价值的访问费及其使用津贴,以及超出使用津贴的额外使用单位的超额价格(Mueller & Boehme, 2011)。这种关税在垄断市场上越来越普遍,成为基于网络的互联网服务和电信的定价来源。在这种普遍的垄断中,由于服务质量的差别而导致的垄断竞争的范围是有限的,而不是关税的提供条件。近十年来,许多研究垄断市场的学者分析了平台产业或双边市场,包括梯若尔和罗歇尔(2003)、朱利恩和凯劳德(2003)。垄断中的双边市场是指平台将使两种不同类别的代理之间的互动的所有行业(Montez, 2013)。

一些捐助对市场集中对福利、数量和价格的影响表现出极大的兴趣。研究这些效应的一个重要方法是将垄断竞争结果与垄断基准进行比较。为了做到这一点,一些贡献假设垄断是现有平台的联合管理(Mueller & Boehme, 2011)。有一种假设是,每个平台都在一个决策者的控制下持续运行,共同利益最大化。一些针对垄断市场的耐用品首先以较高的价格推出,但买家预计未来会降价。除此之外,降价也有计划外的趋势,买家无法预测时间。正如已故的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)所言,这就是技术领域的生活(Baek & Brueckner, 2015)。然而,现有的关于耐用品的文献较少解释为什么降价的日期不能在预期之内,以及为什么以较高价格购买的商品最终会随着时间扩散。


In the case of monopoly, non- linear pricing has been utilized in a number of industries as a way to increase the level of profitability. Among a number of usage- based schemes of non- linear pricing, there is huge popularity of three- part tariff. This tariff is inclusive of a fixed value of access fee followed by its usage allowance, and an overage price for extra units of utilization beyond the allowance (Mueller & Boehme, 2011). There has been increased prevalence of this tariff in monopolistic market, being pricing source for internet services and telecommunication based on network. In this prevalence for monopoly, there has been a limited scope for the differentiation of service quality resulting monopolistic competition rather than the terms for offer of tariffs. Since the last decade, a number of researchers studying the market of monopoly have analysed platform industries or two- sided market that include Tirole and Rochet (2003), and Jullien and Caillaud (2003). Two- sided markets in monopoly are referred to as all of the industries in which a platform will be enabling an interaction between two different categories of agents (Montez, 2013).

A number of contributions have shown keen interest in the effect of market concentration on welfare, quantities and prices. One significant approach for studying these effects is comparing the monopolistic competitive result against the benchmark of monopoly. In order to do so, some of the contributions hold an assumption that monopoly for being a joint management of the platforms in existence (Mueller & Boehme, 2011). There is an assumption that each and every platform continuously for operating and are under the control of a single maker of decision maximizing joint profits. A number of durable goods for monopolistic markets had been introduced first at a higher value of price, but buyers have expected for cutting prices in the future. In addition to this, cutting of price hold the tendency for being unscheduled and the buyers fail in forecasting the timing. As stated by Late Steve Jobs, this is life in the lane of technology (Baek & Brueckner, 2015). Yet the existing literature on durable goods have been offering less for the explanation why the date for cutting price cannot be in anticipation and why purchases at a higher value of price end up spreading out with time.



