



水稻种植是该地区经济增长的主要来源,奴隶主从水稻种植中获益最大。起初,该地区被认为不适宜任何形式的耕作。这只是因为来自非洲的后代能够在该地区生产水稻。随后在卡罗来纳实行奴隶制,该地区来自英国人。这个地区主要的主食是大米。该地区的英国官员对该地区的种植方法一无所知。因此,他们寻求奴隶的帮助来制作大米(Carney and Carney, 2009)。该地区的奴隶遵循他们所知道的方法来帮助解决水稻生产的问题。最初的任务是在沼泽地里开垦土地,创造可行的生产条件,这个任务分配给了男人们,女人们负责播种。这是一项棘手而危险的工作,迫使奴隶们在社会的有害地区工作。该地区的奴隶也能够适应气候条件(Carney and Carney, 2009)。

他们帮助培育和创造土地。他们引进了创新的耕作方法。然而,他们面临着压抑的条件,他们被迫在不健康和危险的条件下工作。即使在员工生病的时候,他们也被强迫工作。但是工人们的知识随着他们的体力劳动而被开发。他们能够发展出切面有效的作物生产方法。他们设计了种植、收割、簸谷和脱粒的方法,使人们能够从人民那里获得物质利益(Carney and Carney, 2009)。由于奴隶们的献身精神和辛勤劳动,人民得以在这一地区获得经济繁荣。有人暗示,国家的主要经济进步是由于对劳动的认识。因此,在《黑米概念》中,卡尼对后来赋予奴隶的所有权做出了重要的决定。


Rice cultivation was the main source of economic growth in the region, and it was found that the slave owners benefited the most from rice cultivation in the area. Originally, the area was considered to inhospitable to any form of cultivation. It is only because the descendants from Africa they were able to produce rice in the region. The slavery system followed in the Carolina, region was from the British people. The main staple food for production in this area was rice. The British officials in the region did not have any knowledge of the plantation growing methods in the region. Owing to this, they sought the help of the slaves to make rice (Carney and Carney, 2009). The slaves in the region followed the methods that they were aware of to help handle this issue of rice production. Initial task of ploughing the land and creating a feasible production in the swampy areas was assigned to the men and the women were employed to sow the seeds. This was a tricky and hazardous work that entailed the slaves to work in pernicious areas of the societies. The slaves in the region also were able to adjust to the climatic conditions (Carney and Carney, 2009).

They helped in fostering and creation of the land areas. They introduced innovative method of cultivation.Nevertheless, they faced oppressive conditions they were made to work in unhealthy and hazardous conditions. Even during times where the employee was sick, they were made to work. But the knowledge of the workers was exploited along with their physical labor. They were able to develop tangential cogent method of production of the crops. They devised methods of planting, harvesting, winnowing and threshing of the rice, and this enabled the people to obtain material benefits from the people (Carney and Carney, 2009). Owing to the dedication and hard work of the slaves in the area, the people were able to gain economic prosperity in the area. It was alluded that the main economic progression in the state was because of the knowledge of the labor. Hence in black rice concept, Carney makes this important determination of the ownership rights bestowed to the slaves in the subsequent times.



