



本文的主要目的是确定抵押贷款经纪人在促进客户服务方面的作用,以及他们在为客户提供企业银行服务方面的专业知识。本反思报告的第一部分着重于组织的定位。在本案例研究中考虑的组织是Success Financial Services Group。员工入职培训是通过以下方式进行的。员工的定位是基于学术和实习时间表,实习生必须通过这些来理解抵押贷款经纪的更大的概念(Clapper, 2014)。第一周是经理对潜在候选人进行面试,并接受有能力的候选人到Success Financial Services Group实习。考生的实习计划和学业计划有时可能会重叠,但为了避免混淆,他们会分别进行维护(Ellis et al., 2014)。因此,为了澄清任何潜在的疑问,我们在课程表之前会提到实习计划。

实习生一经经理选定,负责安排工作日程,并尽快上岗。刚开始的时候,实习生应该每周工作两天。工作时间定在每天8小时。一般来说,新实习生在入职后的前三周会被安排在周四和周五工作。这有助于学员的定位。培训生在第一周被分配一些琐碎的任务,如接待客户、安排会议和组织文件。这有助于实习生从原始阶段理解抵押贷款经纪人的任务(Guo & Tsui, 2014)。因此,实习生必须承担接待员的责任。文件的组织有助于实习生理解与抵押贷款经纪领域相关的基本术语。在第四周增加了一天的工作时间,使实习生对在按揭经纪领域的工作有了更多的了解。


The primary objective of the given paper is to determine the role of mortgage brokers in facilitating customer service and their expertise in providing corporate banking facilities to customers. The first part of this reflective report is focused on orientation with the organization. The organization considered in this case study is Success Financial Services Group. The orientation of an employee is carried out in the following manner. The orientation of an employee is based on academic as well as internship schedules which an intern has to go through in order to understand the greater concepts of mortgage brokering (Clapper, 2014). The first week is intended for the manager to interview the potential candidate and accept capable candidates to undertake internship at Success Financial Services Group. The internship schedule and academic schedule of a candidate may overlap sometimes but they are maintained separately in order to prevent confusion (Ellis et al., 2014). Therefore the internship schedule is mentioned before academic schedule in order to clarify any potential doubts.

Once the intern is selected by the manager, the intern is responsible to arrange the work schedule and start work as soon as possible. The intern is supposed to work for two days every week in the beginning. The time of work is settled at 8 hours every day. Generally new interns are assigned Thursday and Friday to work on in the first three weeks after induction in the organization. This helps in orientation of the trainee. The trainee is assigned trivial tasks such as greeting customers, arranging meetings and organizing documents in the first week. This helps the intern in understanding the tasks of a mortgage broker from primitive stages (Guo & Tsui, 2014). Thereafter the intern has to undertake the responsibilities of a receptionist. The organization of documents helps the intern in understanding the basic terminologies associated with the domain of mortgage brokering. The intern is subjected to an additional day of work in the fourth week which enables the intern to know more about working in the field of mortgage brokers.



