
澳洲 essay 代 写:电子领域需要不断创新


澳洲 essay 代 写:电子领域需要不断创新

从技术的角度来看,人们已经注意到有很多资源用于开发新技术。在电子领域,产品生命周期比其他领域短得多(Tanaka, & Kleiner, 2015)。因此,不断地需要创新和生产满足不断变化的消费者需求的产品(供应链,2015)。研究发现,该公司确保创新,创造了一系列新的战略产品。为了确保其他公司不会在全球市场上模仿他们的设计,技术也受到高度重视。存货周转率的定义是平均存货销售的商品成本。在这个过程中,人们发现了该公司。苹果产品和交付物的存货周转率很高(雷曼&哈斯拉姆2013,)。然而,公司也必须克服一些问题,以确保适当的物流管理。苹果一直被认为是最有生产力的供应链。它已被用于许多案例研究分析,以了解如何开发强大的有效模型。
原材料的主要来源来自美国、中国、台湾等亚洲国家和欧洲(Litzinger, 2013)。还有一些来自俄罗斯的第一手资料。苹果产品的最终组装是在中国完成的(Lam et al., 2013)。这些组装好的产品然后被运往各个领域的仓库。公司使用的分销媒介有在线销售、零售店、直销渠道和仓库(Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2012)。这家公司为了销售产品,使用了许多媒介。最后,他们还有一个有效的退货政策体系。这一因素使公司获得了更好的品牌资产。这个全面的计划被认为是非常有效的(供应链2015)。由于物流管理,公司被认为是一个强大的市场竞争者。

澳洲 essay 代 写:电子领域需要不断创新

From a technological standpoint it has been observed that there are a lot of resources dedicated to developing new technology. In the arena of electronics sector the product life cycle is considerably shorter than other sectors (Tanaka, & Kleiner, 2015). Hence there is a constant need to innovate and produce products that meet evolving consumer demands (Supply chain, 2015). It has been found that the company ensures innovation and creates a number of new strategic products. There is also a high level of importance given to technology in order to ensure that others do not mimic their designs in the global markets.Inventory turnover is defined as cost of goods sold by average inventory. In this process it has been found that the company. Inventory turnover is high for Apple products and deliverables (Lehman & Haslam 2013,). However the company also has to overcome a number of issues in order to ensure proper logistics management. Apple has been considered to be the most productive supply chain. It has been used in a number of case study analyses to understand how to develop strong efficient models.
The primary sourcing of the raw material is obtained from United States, China, Asian countries like Taiwan and in Europe (Litzinger, 2013). There are also some primary sources that have been obtained from Russia. Final assembly of the Apple products is done in China (Lam et al., 2013). These assembled products are then shipped to warehouses across the spectrum. Distribution mediums used by the company are online sales, retail stores, direct marketing channels and warehouses (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2012). There are numerous mediums that this company utilizes in order to sell the products. Finally they also have an efficient return policy system. This factor has enabled the company to gain a better brand equity. This comprehensive plan is found to be very efficient (Supply Chain 2015). Due to the logistic management the company was considered to emerge as a strong Market contender.



