
澳洲 essay 代 写:食品浪费


澳洲 essay 代 写:食品浪费

这就像从杂货店买完东西后在回家的路上掉了一个袋子。据奥利弗说,食物浪费很像这个,因为它是同样荒谬的行为散射浪费的食物是没有吃或吃了一半。通过概述这个问题,约翰·奥利弗认为美国人扔掉的食物比70年代多了50%这远远超过了他们扔掉的食物的数量。仅仅通过计算,提到这么多食物很容易让每个人每个月增加20磅体重并没有错(Olson & Samantha,2016)。他还提到,每次购物时,约有15-20%的食物直接被家庭浪费掉。复杂的消费主义体现在大量的快餐浪费、金钱浪费以及对环境中宝贵资源的浪费上。它可以进一步讨论,有多少公顷的农田,无数的农民和工人,以及吨吨的水与粮食生产行业,人们只是浪费它,完全不顾未来的情况,饥饿的人饿死。证据已经摆在人们面前,根据2013年的快餐浪费统计数据,大约4910万人口生活在食品短缺的家庭环境中(Times & Los, 2016)。

澳洲 essay 代 写:食品浪费
这意味着,2013年有大量的人无法养活自己和家人。其他统计数据显示,大约40%的食物被扔掉,浪费和扔掉的食物价值1650亿美元。奥利弗指出,这件事的讽刺之处在于,它将价值数十亿美元的丰富食物解冻的情况并列在一起,但在加拿大,数百万人到目前为止还在为生计而挣扎。这确实是一个非常可悲的现实(Hall, et al, 2009)。粮食浪费的累积成本还反映了能源、劳动力、基础设施、水以及资本投资方面的浪费的相关成本。根据联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and agriculture Organization of United Nations)的数据,食品浪费的相关成本实际上是食品浪费成本的2.5倍左右。在这里,奥利弗还提到了一个长期以来一直存在于公众脑海中的重大误解。

澳洲 essay 代 写:食品浪费

It is like after shopping from a grocery store just dropping a bag on the way to home. According to Oliver, food waste is much like this as it is the same nonsensical act as scattering wasteful food stuffs that are uneaten or after being eaten half. By outlining the problem, John Oliver argued that the Americans have been just throwing out 50% more of the food which is a lot more than the amount they were throwing during the 70s. By mere calculation, it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that this much of food can easily add up 20 pounds to each of the persons each month (Olson & Samantha,2016). He also mentioned that around 15-20% of total food got wasted directly by the household throw out with each shopping time. Complicated consumerism gets reflected from such amount of fast food waste, waste of money as well as waste of valuable resources present in the environment. It can be further discussed as many hectares of farm land, countless farmers and workers as well as tons of water linked with food production industries and the people are just wasting it with their complete disregard to the future scenario and the hungry people starving to death. The evidence is already there in front of the people as according to the 2013’s fast food wasting statistics, around 49.1 million of the entire populaces settled within food scarcity household environment (Times & Los, 2016).

澳洲 essay 代 写:食品浪费
It means, there were enormous numbers of people in 2013 that were unable to feed themselves and their family members. Other statistics showed that approximately 40% of food is thrown out and the wasted and thrown out food are worth $165 billion. Oliver pointed out the irony in this case which is about juxtaposition the situation of thawing out plentiful food worth billions of dollars, but millions in Canada are struggling till this date to put anything to eat so that their family can survive. It is indeed a very sad reality (Hall, et al, 2009). The accumulative cost of food wastage also reflects the associated costs of wastes regarding energy, labour, infrastructure, and water as well as capital investment. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations, the associated cost of food wastage is actually around 2.5 times more than that of the cost of food wasting.Here, Oliver also mentioned about a significant misconception that has been going on in the minds of public for a very long period.



