
澳洲 essay 代 写-沿海地区土地流失的原因


澳洲 essay 代 写-沿海地区土地流失的原因

在农田中,土地流失可能是由于不同世代之间的继承等一系列活动使土地破碎化程度增加而造成的。土地分割的另一个原因是土地的稀缺性。农民也接受远离他们农场的廉价土地(Walter & Scott, 2013)。因此,由于土地持有分散,可能存在土地流失的情况。同样的另一个原因是平等主义的目标和许多不同的州法律,这些法律甚至可能对土地的巩固产生影响。据观察,土地破碎化主要发生在土地不严重缺乏的地区。这类地区的例子可能包括肯尼亚、赞比亚和冈比亚(Nittrouer, Jeffrey, 1983)。由于劳动力成本高,地块分散在不同区域也是导致土地流失的破碎化原因(Day & John, 2013)。农民们还打算增加对劳动力的需求,以获得更高的产量。沿海地区的土地流失一直影响着海滩周围的土地。
沿海土地流失可能是人类活动和自然过程共同造成的(Hitch & Alen, 2011)。人类活动可能导致土地的损失包括侵蚀这可能发生由于波浪和洋流,暴风雨和山体滑坡在沿海地区,减少沉积物由于气候变化和损耗的沉积物来源,下沉的过程中,可能会由于地面沉降和海平面上升(斯凯夫等,1983)。此外,某些人类活动,如船舶尾迹等交通活动,可能会改变水循环,导致土地流失(Faulkner&Stephen, 2004)。海岸土地流失的另一个原因是沿海建筑的出现,包括海堤、护坡等。因为修改的水流在河流改道的创造和控制由大坝和堤防土地分散的另一个主要原因,提取液体的海岸附近的地区也土地分散/另一个原因,因为湿地的破坏等污染物的排放,交通和燃烧也可能导致分裂和土地损失(Allison等,2014)。

澳洲 essay 代 写-沿海地区土地流失的原因

In farmlands, land loss may occur because of the increase in fragmentation by a number of activities such as succession between different generations. Another cause of land fragmentation is because of the scarcity of land. The farmers also accept a cheap land which is away from their farms (Walter & Scott, 2013). Thus, because of having scattered land holdings, there may be the condition of land loss. Another reason for the same is the egalitarian objectives and many different state laws which may even have an impact on the consolidation of land. It is observed that land fragmentation has largely occurred in those areas in which there isn’t a serious scarcity of land. Examples of such areas may include Kenya, Zambia and Gambia (Nittrouer, Jeffrey, 1983). Scattering of the plots in different areas because of high labor cost is also the reason of fragmentation leading to land loss (Day & John, 2013). The farmers also aim to have an increase in the requirements of labor in order to have higher yields. Coastal land loss is something which has been impacting the land around the beaches.
Coastal land loss may be caused because of both the human activities and natural processes (Hitch & Alen, 2011). The human activities which may lead to land loss includes erosion which can occur because of the waves and currents, the storms and landslides in the coastal areas, the reduction in the sediment as a result of climate change and depletion of sediments from the sources, the process of submergence which may result because of the land subsidence and sea level rise (Scaife et al, 1983). In addition to this, certain human activities such as transportation activities such as boat wakes may alter the water circulation and lead to land loss (Faulkner&Stephen, 2004). Another cause of land loss in the coast is because of the creation of coastal structures including the seawalls, groins etc. Because of the modification in the flow of water in the rivers by creation of the diversions and controls by dams and levees is another major cause of land fragmentation, extraction of the fluids from the areas near the coast is another cause for the land fragmentation/ Also, because of the wetland destruction such as the discharge of the pollutants, the traffic and the burning may also lead to fragmentation and land loss (Allison et al, 2014).




