



古代和中世纪人们的历史通过社会历史得以展现:腓尼基人:这些人参与了紫色染料的制造。腓尼基的名字是由美索不达米亚皇室命名的,目前已知(Backman and Christine Axen, 2014, p-145)。希腊人过去称腓尼基人为“紫色人种”,因为他们的皮肤被染料染成了紫色。腓尼基被希罗多德称为字母表的诞生地,据说腓尼基人卡德摩斯在8世纪以前把它带到希腊,在那之前希腊人没有字母表。腓尼基语的字母构成了当今许多西方语言的基础。利伯·马努埃利斯:它对基督教有很深的感情,在三位一体中有很深的感情。它有助于学习法庭世界的谈判过程及其政治(约书亚,2009)。宗教人物的使用是由威廉姆斯在生活中把协商作为道德的指南针。卡洛林王朝的标准构成了教育Dhuoda的基础,为了卡洛林王朝的生存,只使用了女性的作品。对一个年轻的基督徒来说,它是道德的指南针。

亚历山大大帝:公元前334年,巴贝克被亚历山大大帝征服,并改名为赫利奥波利斯。公元前332年,当他到达泰尔时,当地的居民和平地服从了他的要求,并以西顿为榜样。亚历山大想在梅尔加特神庙献祭的愿望是泰瑞安人所不允许的。赫西在古埃及:多神论被认为是埃及人的传统宗教。他们用太阳作为他们的主要神与其他宇宙和当地的神(Curt Emanuel, 2010)。阿赫那吞被认为是永恒诱惑和臆测的源泉,而这也掩盖了人们对他知之甚少的事实。正是由于阿赫那吞的彻底变革,才使他成为“人类历史上第一个个体”,也正因为如此,关于阿赫那吞的背景和动机有很多猜测。不同的评论家根据自己的思维过程把他塑造成英雄或恶棍。


Ways through which the histories of ancient and medieval people is exposed by social history:The Phoenicians: These were the people who were involved in the manufacturing of the purple dye used in type. The name of Phoenicia was given by Mesopotamian royalty with which is known at present (Backman and Christine Axen, 2014, p-145). The Greeks use to call Phoenicians as ‘purple people’ because their skins were stained by the dye. Phoenicia is termed as the birth place of alphabets by Herodotus and it was stated that the Phoenician Kadmus brought it to Greece sometimes before 8th century and before that there were no alphabets for Greeks. The alphabets of Phoenician have formed the basis of many current western languages. Liber Manualis: It was deeply devoted towards Christianity and had devotion in the Trinity. It helped in learning the processes of negotiation in the worlds of court and its politics (Joshua, 2009). The use of religious figures was made by Williams for making negotiations in life as moral compasses. Carolingian standards formed the basis for educating Dhuoda and for the survival of the Carolingian era the work written by only women was used. For a young Christian man it acted as a moral compass.

The Great Alexander: Baalbek was conquered by the Great Alexander in 334 BCE and it was renamed as Heliopolis. In 332 BCE when he arrived to Tyre the citizens of that place peacefully surrendered to the submission demands of him and followed the examples set by Sidon. The wish of Alexander of offering a sacrifice in the holy temple of Melgart was not allowed by the Tyrians. Hersey in ancient Egypt: Polytheistic was considered as the traditional religion of Egyptians. They use to worship Sun as their primary God with other universal and local gods (Curt Emanuel, 2010). Akhenaten was considered as the source of eternal allure and conjecture and this provides the mask on the fact that people know very little about him. It was due to the radical changes made by Akhenaten that made him the “first individual in human history” and because this there are a lot of suppositions in relation to the background and motivation of Akhenaten. Various commentators cast him as hero or villain as per their own thought processes.



