
澳洲福林德斯大学论文代写 :供求关系与工作


澳洲福林德斯大学论文代写 :供求关系与工作

简单的供求关系将决定我将来如何找到工作。当工人的供给越多,对工人的需求就会越少。由于这一点,他们的工资将会减少。有几个因素影响着供求理论。在目前的情况下,许多工作已经被公司外包。因为可提供的工作机会减少了,劳动力的供应保持不变(贝尔和埃尔韦1965年)。这导致现有的劳动力竞争相同的工作。这些工作机会被运往新兴国家。当这些公司决定外包工作时,人们发现经济仍然有竞争力。运用比较优势理论,公司选择将业务转移到新兴国家是因为运营成本(Nowotny 2015)。这导致市场上的工作机会减少。在这种情况下,人们竞争同样数量的工作,有一个较高的发展的技术培训。另一方面,Krugman(2009)认为教育系统正在贬值。传统的大学由于环境恶劣,已经开始纯粹以金钱价值来招生。

澳洲福林德斯大学论文代写 :供求关系与工作
这给我这样的人带来了麻烦。越来越多的人进入大学是基于他们的家庭的钱和他们的姓氏(Vincent, 2003)。在这种情况下,人们获得的实际学位不是因为他们的工作,而是因为他们的家庭出身。这进一步贬低了教育在社会中的重要性,我生长在一个家庭,在那里,人们认为获得就业应该有一个基本的学位,增加学位意味着赚更多的钱。这是90年代的情况,人们认为获得学位会导致工资的自动增长(Carlin和Soskice 1990)。然而,在目前的情况下,由于这些因素,一度重要的学位在社会上没有真正的价值。这进一步给我带来了更大的压力。为了应付开支,为了在这个经济环境中生存,我需要寻找工作来维持生计。

澳洲福林德斯大学论文代写 :供求关系与工作

Simple dynamics of supply and demand in the chosen profession will determine how I will gain employment in the future. When the supply of workers is more, the demand for the workers will be less. Owing to this they will be paid lesser. Several factors influence the theory of supply and demand.In the current situation, a number of jobs have been outsourced by the companies. Because that there is a reduction in the number of jobs available and the supply of workforce remains the same (Baer and Herve 1965). This causes the existing workforce to compete for the same jobs. These jobs are shipped off to the emerging countries. When the companies decide to outsource the jobs and economy is found to remain competent. Applying the theory of comparative advantage the companies choose to shift operations to emerging countries because of the cost involved in the operation (Nowotny 2015). This causes the number of jobs in the markets to dwindle. In this situation where the people are competing for the same number of jobs there has been a higher development of the technical training. On the other hand Krugman (2009) states that the education system is losing value. Traditional universities owing to the harsh environment have started to enroll people purely based on the money value.

澳洲福林德斯大学论文代写 :供求关系与工作
This causes an issue for people like me. There is more number of people placed in the universities based on the money of their families and their family names (Vincent, 2003). In this situation the actual degree earned by the people are not due to their works rather it is because of their family origin. This further devaluates the importance of education in the societyI have been brought up in a family where it was believed that to gain employment there should be fundamental degree and adding degrees to our name meant making more money. This was the situation in 1990s people believed that gaining degrees would lead to automatic increase in the salary (Carlin and Soskice 1990). However in the current situation owing to these factors the once important degrees have no real value in the societies.This further creates more pressure for me. To meet expenses and to survive in this economy I need to look for jobs to sustain.



