



根据Knutson & Bitz(2013)的研究,领导风格主要定义了一个公司中领导者以自己的方式控制公司的风格,在这种方式下,他们可以实施各种计划,也可以激励员工。有几种领导风格在世界上很有名。在全球冒险中,由于有三位首席执行官,因此他们遵循几种领导风格。Sharon主要遵循参与式领导风格,也被称为民主领导风格。Sharon在决定启动任何服务或进行任何旅行时,都会听取其他团队成员的意见。另一方面,Michael遵循公司变革型的领导风格。他总是关注管理者和员工在做任何决定时的高度互动。他还致力于通过与消费者和股东的良好沟通来满足他们。

最后,Peter接受了事务型领导风格,他关注的是公司员工的表现。他主要是根据管理者和员工的表现给予奖励或惩罚。上表显示了过去几个财政年度的全球冒险。在过去的四年中,环球历险经历了很多。公司的收入一直在不断增长,上一财年的收入为$8,003,200.00。2014- 2013年,公司收入分别为783.45万美元和6288.601.00美元。这可以说明公司的收益是随着时间的推移而增加的。另一方面,销售商品的收入也比前几年增加了。虽然销售商品的成本从过去四年来一直在波动,但已经看到它在增加,公司已经获得了利润。


According to Knutson & Bitz (2013), leadership style mainly defines the style of leaders in a company to control the company in their own ways in which they can implement various plans and also motivate their employees. There are several leadership styles which are very famous in the world. In Global Adventures, as there are three CEOs, thus they follow several leadership styles. Sharon mainly follows the Participative leadership style which is also known as the democratic leadership style. Sharon takes the opinion of the other team members while taking any decision on launching of any services or making of any trip. On the other hand, Michael follows the Transformational leadership styles in the company. He always focuses on the high level of interactions among the managers and employees for taking any decisions. He also concentrates on satisfying the consumers and shareholders of the company by communicating with them properly.

Finally, Peter accepts the Transactional leadership styles in which he focuses on the performance of the staffs in the company. He mainly provides rewards or punishments to the managers and staffs on the basis of their performance.The above table shows the past financial years of Global Adventures. The four years have been showing in which Global Adventures has experienced a lot. The income of the company has been growing day by day as the revenue of the company is $8,003,200.00 in last financial year. In 2014-13, the revenue of the company was respectively $7,834,500.00 and $6,288,601.00. This can show that the earning of company is increasing with the passage of time. On the other hand the income of sold goods is also increasing from the previous years. Though the cost of sold goods have fluctuated from the past four years, it have been seen that it increased and company have earned profit.



