



奥兰多电影是根据弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说《奥兰》改编的。这部电影于1992年上映。电影导演莎莉·波特以独特的视角来看待电影中明显展现的事件。故事线的美学和视觉吸引力需要特别提到,因为它深刻地增加了故事情节发展中的事件。它是少有的让人们将幻想的隐喻带入现实的电影之一(Smelik, 1998)。在进入电影院的头几分钟,女王命令奥兰多保持年轻,他做到了。在故事情节中,性别认同和社会一致性的独特视角得到了尝试。在电影《奥兰多》中,一个变性人变成了一个女人。



Orlando movie is based on Virginia Woolf novel the Orland. This movie was released in 1992. The director of the movie, Sally Porter has taken a unique perspective about the events that was clearly showcased in the cinema. The aesthetical and the visual appeal of the story line needs a special mention as it poignantly adds to the developing events in the storyline. It is one of the rare movies that make people allude the metaphors of fantasy into reality (Smelik, 1998). During the first few minutes into the cinemas, the Queen orders Orlando to stay young and he does. The gender identity and the unique perspective of social conformities have been essayed in the storyline. In this movie Orlando a transgender is converted into a woman.

She then becomes a woman just to be accepted in the society and also to escape possible legal ramifications of the debt. The oppressive nature of the people in the society and the patriarchal laws that existed in Britain during those times has been elucidated in the movie. This movie was a mix of story and the true events of the society. This makes it an interesting watch. It also makes the audience wonder about the relevance of gender identity and the role of the society in conforming gender. In the four hundred years of Orlando’s survival, she becomes what she wants to be and establishes her own identity in the process. Even though this story is based on a classic, it is considered to be relevant in the modern times. It speaks about the importance to staying true to the individual soul of a person.



