





Since the advertisement is made as a public notice, it does not matter if he knows the information or if he came across the information from someone who saw the advertisement or whatsoever, he is still entitled to be rewarded. On the other hand, other legal systems approach it from a different angle. An advertisement is an offer, only when someone reads the offer, accepts the offer and then performs the deed, should they be rewarded. Here a contractual relationship is created. The person who made the offer and the person who accepted the offer are the contracted agents. So in this situation, when a person does the advertised work for a reward, then the person offering it is obligated to pay the person who accepted the offer. However here the acceptance based questions will come into legal interpretations. What constitutes acceptance? The person accepting the offer should either verbally or by action which cannot be mistaken for anything other than acceptance or in writing show that they have accepted the offer made in the advertisement for reward.
From these different legal interpretations it can be seen that the law of the land will decide how courts will judge case scenarios. The legal interpretation will be based on the law adopted, and the way the law is interpreted in a case context. The Thesis will critically analyze what the nature of an advertisement for a reward is from Chinese law perspective. The research will be conducted as a comparative analysis of the different legal elements involved in advertisement for a reward. The different legal systems that are considered are the Chinese law, the UK law and the German law.The legal methodology that has been adopted in this research is that of a comparative review. A comparative review of the nature of an advertisement for a reward from the Chinese law perspective, the UK law and the German law has been conducted. The comparative review has been conducted with secondary sources. Based on the comparative review, recommendations are made for Chinese law. The use of secondary sources will be helpful in applying critical analysis for different legal elements. Recommendations are made for the Chinese legal system using the comparative discussion.




