


本文主要讲述的是加泰罗尼亚的语言文化,相对于欧洲和英国的语言,加泰罗尼亚语可以被认为是一个极其重要的案例(Delgado, 2003)。在其文化使用和人口统计的范围内,它应该是大多数语言的一部分。总的来说,加泰罗尼亚文化作为一种坚实的经验,可以为欧洲和英国做出重大贡献。在不同艺术形式的天赋基础上,表现与语言并存,并产生优秀的效果。这是与这一特定多元性相一致的整体文化动力的一个支撑点。加泰罗尼亚语是一种浪漫的语言,有着悠久的历史和与其他文学作品同时产生的文学成果,因为它们在拉丁语碎片化的形式中表达了新语言的出现(Gallen, 2014)。本篇澳洲靠谱代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Catalan language can be considered as an extremely crucial case with respect to the languages of Europe and Britain (Delgado, 2003). Under the scope of its cultural use and demographic weight, it should be a part of the majority languages. Catalan culture can make significant contribution to Europe and Britain as a solid experience on the whole. There is co-existence of expression and language with excellent outcomes on the basis of talent in different forms of art. This is a strong point for the overall cultural drive in accordance with this specific plurality. Catalan is a language of romance with strong historical years and literary outcomes arising simultaneously with other literatures for their expression in emergence of new languages from the fragmented forms of Latin (Gallén, 2014).
Everything started off with Terra Baixa and hence, its translation was done in several different languages. There has been an adaptation of several other operas following attributes provided in dominating musical codes related to specific cultures that were lyric drama in France and Verism in Germany. A number of foreign versions are maintaining the title of Catalan in translation while there is christening of other with the key characters such as Martha, Manelic and Sebastià. In the current scenario, the play is crucial for promoting appreciation and awareness of Catalan language and culture in Ireland and Britain. This is crucial for encouraging the relations of culture with the communities speaking Catalan. The key membership has openness to each and every individual sharing the fundamental goal of this historical society (Gallén, 2012). As the overall society, it will be serving the purpose of a professional forum having involvement in research and teaching of Catalan researches. There is attachment of equal importance with the role to bring together Catalans from all across the Britain territories. The factor of interest lies in the society, history and language of Catalan. Guimerà’s Terra Baixa can still be identified as a universal referent of culture in opera and theatre.




