


本文主要内容是辅音群讨论,本节讨论辅音群。辅音簇是指没有中间元音的辅音。辅音将是一个或多个。集群的一个例子是分裂/ˈsplɪt /和点心/ˈʃtruːdəl /。在英语中,常见的初始音簇是40种辅音簇。/bl/和/pr/是可以在这个分类下识别的辅音群。instanc的/str/将有7种类型的组合。sprig /spr/这个单词以/s/开头,以/r/结尾。最后的辅音群有58种类型。这包括/ks/和/kt/的簇。它还包括组合辅音群,如/sks/。在这些组合集群下共有49种类型。周围也有八个类型的四个辅音/ ksθs /和/ mpst /等也常常是由这个词/ˈsɪksθs /。它以/x/开头,以/s/的发音结尾。本篇澳洲会计学论文代写文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

This section discusses consonant clusters. Consonant clusters are identified as that consonant sound where an intervening vowel would not be present. The consonant sound will be one or many. An example of the clusters is the split /ˈsplɪt/ and strudel /ˈʃtruːdəl/. In English, the common initial clusters are the 40 types of consonant cluster. /bl/ and /pr/ are consonant clusters that can be identified under this division. The /str/ for instanc along will have seven types of combinations associated with it. The word sprig /spr/ beginning with /s/ and ending with /r/. The final consonant clusters have 58 types of consonant cluster. This includes the clusters of /ks/ and /kt/. It also includes the combination consonant clusters such as /sks/. There are a total of 49 types under these combination clusters. There are also around eight types of four consonants such as /ksθs/ and /mpst/ and also the word sixths which is represented by /ˈsɪksθs/. It begins with /x/ and ends with the articulation of the /s/ as ending.
Consonant clusters are very commonly used in the case of the English language. In their use, they can be positioned such that they might appear either at the beginning of the word. They will also be used in the end of the word or the middle of the word. The key point to remember here is that they are used as a set of combinations, and in the combination, some are remiss in the Chinese language. There are final and initial consonants missing in the Mandarin language and herein lies the challenge for the student (Hewings, 2007). The student while learning the language attempts to alleviate this issue. When they face a learning block, they might make up an extra syllable in order to face the issue. This is a way for students to simplify the cluster use. Also, as compared with the diphthongs in English, issues are identified. The mandarin speaker as such is very lithe in their efforts of speaking and might make sharp tongue movements and short words. This is not how the English speak their language; there is a sort of singing of the sentence and words. Therefore, in such instance, the Mandarin speaker might tend to insert syllables in order to make up for it. There are decoding challenges for the Mandarin listener as well as identified by researchers like Chen et al. (2007).




