



对更健康食品的需求不断增长。随着对健康食品的需求上升,麦当劳可能会在菜单上增加更多健康食品的选择,并有可能将其弱势转化为优势。该公司计划在各个地区只开设素食餐厅,并抓住这样的机会。改变新的客户群体和客户习惯。新的需求由客户的习惯变化来表示,这些变化应该由企业来处理。到目前为止,公司已经通过开设McCafe, McStop和McExpress餐厅来实现这一目标,以满足客户的习惯和之前未开发的客户群的需求。完全采用新的做法。2006年,该公司重新设计了餐厅设计和标识。此外,公司还引进了新的做法。正因为如此,改头换面后的餐馆增长速度更快。该公司必须致力于完成对整个连锁餐厅的改造,并在其中采用最佳实践。趋向于健康食品的趋势或倾向。由于各种组织和政府努力与肥胖作斗争,人们越来越意识到吃健康食品。


Rising demand for more healthy food items. McDonalds’ could introduce more choice of healthy food in its menu, as the demand for healthy food rises and could reverse its weakness into its strength. The firm is planning to open only vegetarian restaurants in various regions and seize such an opportunity. Changing new customer groups and customer habits. New needs are represented by the changing habits of the customers which should be handled by the business. Until now, the firm has been able to accomplish this by opening McCafe, McStop and McExpress restaurants so as to meet the customers’ habits and the needs of the previously untapped groups of customers. Fully adopting the fresh practices. In 2006, the firm redesigned its restaurant design and logo. Moreover, new practices have been introduced by the firm. Because of this, there is a higher growth in the remodelled restaurants. The firm must aim at finishing the remodelling of the entire restaurants chains and adopting best practices in it.Trend or inclination towards healthy food. People are becoming more conscious of eating healthy food due to the attempts by various organizations and government to fight obesity.
In the developed nations the rise in the saturated fast food market. It is by so many fast food restaurants chains that the fast food market in the developed nations is overcrowded and poses a serious threat to McDonalds.Fluctuations in currency. A part of the income for the business is received from its operations in foreign nation. Hence, fluctuation in the currency impacts the overall revenue and the profit of McDonald’s Australia Holding.Locally established fast food restaurants. The local stores generally act as an easy point to the general public, as they are aware of the taste of the public. Even though McDonald’s Australia Holding is doing a great job in this aspect, the ever rising local stores still poses a huge threat.Many lawsuits filed against McDonalds. There are already many public cases filed on McDonalds and they have lost some of these as well. These cases require money and time and hence prove to be quite expensive to the firm. There is a high possibility that they might face more lawsuits if they continue to operate in the same fashion.



