


本文主要讲述人类无感在创作空间中的重要作用,人的感官在建筑和室内设计中占有重要的地位。人类的五种感官在创造空间感知方面起着非常重要的作用。建筑环境是生活的重要组成部分,它影响着人的感觉、思想、经历、记忆,并最终影响决策。人类通过感知能量和其他交流形式来感知外部世界。视觉、触觉、嗅觉、听觉和味觉是主要的五种感觉(Pallasmaa, 2012)。这些感觉在形成人类的空间感知中起主导作用。空间感知可以定义为理解周围环境几何结构的能力(Rasmussen, 2001)。这也反映了对周围环境中自我定位的理解。本篇澳洲论文抄袭文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Human senses have an important position in architecture and interior design. The five human senses are very significant in creating the perception of space. The built environment is a vital part of living, which is responsible for affecting feelings, thoughts, experiences, memories and eventually the decision-making. The outside world is sensed by the human bodies through perceiving energies and other communication forms. Sight, touch, smelling, hearing and taste are the main five senses (Pallasmaa, 2012). These senses play a dominating role in forming the spatial perception in humans. Spatial perception can be defined as the ability to understand the geometrical structure of the close environment (Rasmussen, 2001). This also reflects the understanding of the self location in the surrounding environment.
The spatial perception also helps in determining the direction and depth and also the location of the objects placed nearby. The information received through the sensory modalities is continuously processed and integrated inside the human brain. This helps in building the three dimensional images with cognitive presentation whether the space is in moment or stationary (Rasmussen, 2001). Each of the five human senses uses different signs in investigating the environment and creating a varied perception.
Touch, smell and taste are the three senses, which help in exploring the nearby environment or the space, which is also termed as haptic space (Fritz, Way, and Barner, 1996). Hearing and sight are the senses that are able to create the perception of the far space. The human body plays an important role in understanding the spatial pattern. “Our bodies and movements are in constant interaction with the environment the world and the self inform and redefine each other constantly” (Pallasmaa, 2011). Thus, this essay seeks to explain the role of five senses in understanding the spatial exploration, which will help to understand how senses are responsible for changing the way in understanding the spaces.




