



无论是企业、过程、组织还是个人项目,其成功的关键在于改变对工作和工作流程的态度。如果一个组织没有积极的变化,它将无法保持其在市场上的竞争年龄,最终将无法满足作为任何业务基础的忠实顾客的要求。Sergio Marchionne,首席执行官的菲亚特,在各种类型的菲亚特和克莱斯勒的进步必要的改变了。追求Sergio Marchionne在菲亚特改变最重要的类型是设置有效的经理和主管。他考察了工厂、客户、客户和附属实体,从各个角度全面了解现状。从各个角度分析形势后,他感到了企业领导层的变革冲动。他放手在高级职位,许多职工和退休之前的许多时间。他这样做,因为这些经理对工作有一个举棋不定的态度。那些没有高级职位但在市场营销等随机部门分配的有才能的潜在人才被纳入高级管理层。Marchionne任命20名员工把重点人才。


Whether it is a business, process, organization, or individual project, the key to its success lies in changing the attitude towards work and workflow. Without positive changes in an organization it will fail to maintain its competitive age in the market and will ultimately fail to meet the requirements of loyal customers who are the base of any business. Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Fiat, worked out on various types of changes necessary for the progress of Fiat and Chrysler. The foremost type of change pursued by Sergio Marchionne in Fiat was placement of effective managers and supervisors. He surveyed the factories, clients, customers and affiliated entities to acquire complete knowledge of present situation from every perspective. After analyzing the situation from every angle he felt the urge of change in the leadership of the business. He let go many employees at senior positions and retired many before time. He did this because these managers or executives have an indecisive attitude towards work. The talented and potential people which were not on senior positions earlier but allocated in random departments like marketing were brought into senior management layer. Marchionne appointed 20 employees keeping his emphases on talent.
The second type of change pursued was related to responsibilities of employees. Previously decisions were not in the hands of managers or executive. All the decisive assignments were forwarded directly to CEO. Marchionne changed this attitude of the mangers. He gave them more responsibilities and in turn made them more accountable for their actions and decisions. Another type of change was in intercompany communication. He aimed at improving inter department communication by forming a 24 person team. This team was assigned the task of bringing all parts of company to talk to each other about matters and ideas. He used to move executives from one part to another for the purpose of sharing ideas and promoting multitasking among senior managers. Another basic change was made in provision to labour. Marchionne also took effective steps to encourage workforce for higher workflow. They were provided more facilities near factory site so that they can cope up with their domestic responsibilities along with work. They were provided more comfortable environment within the factory, like better rest rooms and wash rooms. This was done to provide a comfortable and relaxed environment at work.



