



在确定护理优先目标时,以下临床原因过程可能是最有效的因素,在Anna的病例中可能更有效。为她提供适当的药物治疗是非常重要的,因为她已经有压力性尿失禁的问题。在为她提供护理的同时,应考虑过去的医疗报告,在开处方的过程中,药物对专利的影响和结果应由护理提供者事先核算。这样做可能对病人的康复更有帮助。在临床实践过程中,护理提供者需要制定计划,同时考虑向任何患者提供的临床干预措施。因此,护理提供者需要遵循正式的决策工具,如临床推理周期的使用(Meissner, 2010)。使用这些工具可能会对病人的健康更有效。从Anna Ray的案例研究中可以看出,她有压力性尿失禁的问题,所以在给她提供药物的同时,也需要考虑这个案例,她也因为压力性尿失禁而使用了膀胱吊带。手术过程中给患者局部麻醉,手术后给患者提供一系列药物。
为了防止恶心呕吐,给她注射了昂丹司琼静脉注射液10ml,帕那多静脉注射液100mg,莫司龙静脉注射液20ml, PCA芬太尼1mg,放入50ml生理盐水中。病人受到了两袋的液体,第一个包中提供的操作剧院本身,另一袋给她时她在恢复室,和袋子是每1000毫升。尽管为她提供两袋盐,两个小时后她的操作,病人的尿量只有100毫升。手术后情况的安娜,这可以表示,保健提供者乐于见到她操作的剧院。虽然她所有的生命体征都很稳定,但由于排尿量少的问题,她被观察了24小时。给患者提供昂丹司琼IV 10ml的剂量在一定程度上是合理的,这主要是为了防止恶心呕吐,这类药物是用于治疗患者进行手术。使用Moxlon IV 20ml已经完成,以减轻病人的痛苦。然而,这是在治疗过程中进一步考虑的病人,她有这个尿问题的压力尿失禁。


While deciding on the goals of priority of nursing care, the following of clinical reasons process would have been the most effective factors that might have been more operative in the case of Anna. Providing her with the proper medications was very important as she already had the problem of stress urinary incontinence. While providing her the nursing care, the past medical reports should be taken into consideration and during the process of prescribing medicines, the effect and the outcomes of the medicines on the patents should be accounted by the care providers before-hand. From doing so, this might have been all more useful towards the recovery of the patient. In the process of clinical practices, the care providers need to chalk out the plans while considering the clinical interventions to be provided to any patient. Therefore, the care providers need to follow formal decision-making tool, such as the use of clinical reasoning cycle (Meissner, 2010). The use of such tools might have resulted to be more effective for the patient’s health. Apparent from the case study of Anna Ray that had the problem of stress urinary incontinence, therefore, while providing her medicines, this was required to consider this case and she also had the bladder sling due to the stress urinary incontinence. During the process of surgery, the patient was given with local anaesthesia and after the operations, a series of medication were provided to the patients.
In order to help her prevent from nausea and vomiting, the Ondansetron IV 10ml was given to her, along with panadol IV 100mg, Moxlon IV 20ml and PCA fentanyl 1mg in 50ml normal saline. The patient was subjected to two bags of fluid, the first bag was provided in the operations theatre itself and the other bag was given to her when she was in the recovery room, and the bags are each of 1000 ml. Despite the providing she with two bags of saline and after two hours of her operations, the urine output of the patient was only 100 ml. From the post- surgical situations of Anna, this can be said that the care providers were happy to see her out of the operation theatre. Although all her vital signs were stable, due to the problem of less urine output, she was kept under the observation for 24 hours. Providing the dose of Ondansetron IV 10 ml to the patient can be justified to a certain extent as this was mainly done for preventing nausea and vomiting and this type of medicine is used for treating the patients to go through surgeries. The use of Moxlon IV 20ml has been done for relieving the patients from the pain. However, this is to be further considered during the process of treating the patient that she had this urinary issue of stress urinary incontinence.



