



最令人不安的因素是维多利亚州政府一直支持这个游戏,而不是取消整个国家的野蛮活动(Milman,O. 2014)。与此相关的另一个问题是,澳大利亚政府正在向12岁以下的儿童提供免费执照以杀死鸭子。这个猎鸭致命动作的目标受众是那些年龄在17岁到25岁之间的男性射手。 12年以上的射手不应该被允许(RSPCA,2009)。


为了制止维多利亚州的这种残酷行为,我首先会在媒体,竞选活动,社交媒体,报纸和其他沟通资源的帮助下,与越来越多的人分享这种担忧,这些资源将在较短的时间内有效地传播这些信息。让人们意识到这个问题以及这种无辜的生物所经历的痛苦。 RSPCA及其员工,打鸭子的人,生态学家,保护动物的非政府组织等业务伙伴,可以为挽救鸭子的生命做出巨大的贡献。




Most upsetting factor of this is that Victorian government has been supported this game instead of abolishing such barbaric activity from the entire country (Milman, O. 2014). Another issue associated with this, Australian government is offering free licences to children of 12 years for killing ducks. Target audience of this duck hunting deadly deed are those male shooters aged between 17-25 years out of 20000 male shooters. Shooter of above 12 years should not be allowed for this (RSPCA, 2009).

Abolishment /Clients

To stop this brutal deed in Victoria I would first share this concern with more and more people with the help of media, campaigning, social media, newspaper and using other communicating resources that would spread out this information efficiently within less time. Making people aware about this issue and the pain from which such innocent creature go through. Business partners of RSPCA and its employees, people who fight against duck hunting, ecologists, NGOs that protect animals etc can contribute a lot in saving the lives of ducks.

Threatening Points

During the year of 2011, a rescuer of ducks was accidently killed by a 14-year-old shooter. Youngsters should not be offered licence of shooting below the age 18 and government must stop Duck hunting throughout the country. Victim lost her sight and government said that she was at a banned area at a prohibited time; this seems shameful (Morgan, R., 2007).





