



交通的另一个主要原因是卡车通过纽约市。纽约市主办各种产品和服务相关的业务。该市缺乏货运铁路系统,需要使用卡车。10%的交通拥堵可能是由卡车造成的,大约有4万辆卡车进入纽约的主要车道。由于国际化的原因,市中心的商业活动在不同的时区进行。所以员工可能也要在不同的时间上下班,所以纽约的交通很稳定。曼哈顿、第60街和炮台是造成交通拥堵的主要区域。纽约的地铁系统正在变得更有效率。这是一个公共交通系统,因此有助于减少交通堵塞。然而,该系统的问题是,它不足以满足纽约不断增长的人口。还提到了可访问性问题。此外,还需要对系统的质量进行改进。这一级向市议会提出的建议是,他们应致力于改善运输系统的质量。公交系统可以被提倡为人们出行的一种更健康的选择,而不是他们自己的车辆或出租车。市议会已经调整了一个类似的计划,其中交通拥堵的减少措施与倡导健康生活携手并进(Walmsley, 2006)。
这就是绿道计划。纽约市的绿道计划是一个大约560公里的城市景观,以提供行人和自行车用户的最大利益。这些小路将鼓励更多的行人。使用自行车有解决交通问题的双重优势,也将有助于发展人民的健康。纽约市市长提倡绿色和可持续的举措,如这个项目(Komanoff, 2014),交通拥堵背景下的公共外部性社会定价也是市议会追求的一个积极议程(Jaffe, 2014)。一方面,政府有可能试图改善交通服务,另一方面,纽约通勤者在交通拥挤的道路上使用自己的车辆时要收费。虽然这种形式的拥堵收费在新加坡和伦敦很受欢迎,但它也受到了纽约社区的批评(Komanoff, 2014)。向纽约市议会和政府部门提出的一项建议是,他们应该努力让人们意识到为什么要首先实施社会或拥堵收费。向利益相关者(公众)传达目标和目标(即减少交通拥堵)将有助于整个过程。


Yet another major cause for traffic is the trucks moving through New York city. New York city plays host to a variety of products and service related businesses. The city lacks a freight rail system and needs to make use of trucks. 10 percent of the traffic congestion might be from truck traffic and there are approximately 40,000 trucks entering the main lane traffic in New York. The downtown business operate at different times zones because of their internationalization. So employees might also have to commute at different times around the clock, so there is a constant traffic in New York. Manhattan, 60th street and the Battery are the main areas from which this traffic congestion is generated.The subway system of New York is being made more efficient. It is a mass transit system and as such it would be helpful in reducing the traffic congestion. However, the problems with the system is that it is not sufficient for the growing population of New York. Accessibility concerns are also cited. Additionally, improvements also need to be done with respect to the quality of the system. The recommendation made at this level to the city council is that they work on improving the quality of the transit system. The transit system can be advocated as a healthier option for people to take rather than their own vehicles or cabs. The city council has adapted a similar plan where traffic congestion reduction measures go hand in hand with the advocacy for healthy living (Walmsley, 2006).
This is the Greenway Plan. The Greenway plan in New York city is one in which around 560 km of the city are landscaped so as to provide pedestrians and bicycle users maximum benefits. The pathways would encourage more pedestrians. The use of cycling has the dual advantage of solving the transportation problem and also will be useful for developing the health of the people. The Mayor of NY has advocated for green and sustainable initiatives such as this program (Komanoff, 2014)Social pricing for the public externalities in the context of traffic congestion is also an active agenda pursued by city council (Jaffe, 2014). At one end, where it is possible that the government attempts to improve the transit service, and at another end, New York commuter are charged when they use their own vehicles on high congestion roads. Although this form of congestion pricing is popular in Singapore and London, it has come under criticism by the New York Community (Komanoff, 2014). A recommendation made to the NY city council and government units is that they should attempt to create awareness on why the social or congestion pricing is implemented in the first place. Communicating the objectives and goals (which is to reduce traffic congestion) to the stakeholders (the public) would help in the overall process.



