



此外还有通胀问题。鉴于中国的反贸易立场,预计这种大宗商品的价格将会上涨。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald trump)曾多次试图助长保护主义问题,保护美国贸易商的利益,还存在将制造业射入美国的问题。预计特朗普此举将增加当地的制造成本。再加上基础设施支出的增加,将导致产品通胀上升。这将导致通货膨胀,导致人们的可支配收入减少。在这一行动之后,经济的表现将会下降。这引发了对政府债券销售的担忧。除此之外,还有美联储的加息,导致美联储提高利率(Egan, 2016)。此外,债券市场也存在担忧情绪。预计在某一时刻,股票和债券之间会出现一个临界点。这将导致资金流入债务和股票市场。
市场的计算和投机依赖于许多未知的变量。人们并不真正了解特朗普提出的刺激计划。预计美国市场的消费价格将大幅上涨。目前还不清楚人们的工资是否也会随之增加,以满足这些要求。还有一个问题是,这些外国投资者被发现身份不明。一般来说,人们不知道特朗普政策的确切立场,这是债券市场担忧的原因。市场现在的表现是基于特朗普提出的经济政策的承诺(Abramowicz, 2016)。人们还预计,将会有共和党主导的政策。预计市场将基于这些意识形态而表现。需要指出的是,所有这些立场都只是猜测。经济政策的具体结构和执行情况尚不清楚。


There is also the issue of inflation. The prices are expected to be higher for the commodity given the anti-trade stance. Donald trump had repeatedly tried to foster the issues of protectionism and protect the interest of the American traders, and there is also the issue of shooting the manufacturing into the nations. It is expected that this move by Trump would increase the local manufacturing costs. Combination of this with the increase in the infrastructure spending would cause increase in the inflation of the products. This would lead to the inflation causing the disposable income of the people to be reduced. Subsequent to this action, there would be reduction in the performance of the economy. This is causing apprehension in the selling of the government bond. Apart from this, there is the fed rate hikes that are causing the Federal Reserve to increase the rates (Egan, 2016). There is also the issue of fallout that the bond market is apprehensive. It is expected at some point that there would be the tipping point between the stocks and the bonds. This would cause the money to be moved into the debt and the equities markets.
The calculations and the speculation of the market are dependent on many unknown variables. The people do not really know about the stimulus plan that has been proposed by Trump. It is expected that the consumer prices of the US markets would be significantly higher. It is not known if the paycheck of the people would also increase in tandem to meet the requirements. There is the issue of the foreign investors who are found to be unclear. The people in general do not know what the exact stance of the Trump policies would be and this is the reason for apprehension in the bond markets. The markets are now performing based on the promises of the economic policy that has been put forward by Trump (Abramowicz, 2016). There is also the expectation that there will be the republican led policies. It is expected that the markets will perform based on these ideologies. It is to be noted that all these stands that have been taken are mere speculations. Detailed structure and the implementation of the polices on the economy is yet to be known.



