



艺术家具有独特的风格,可以在所有的艺术作品中得到呼应和体现。日本的教条和美国消费主义的强调,在这些作品中得到了鲜明的体现。艺术家们创造的产品不仅功能强大,而且用途广泛。最小抽象主题和后现代主义对艺术作品的诠释也在这些设计中得到呼应(Suri, 2005)。他是艺术作品的一个缩影,甚至可以被解释为德斯蒂耶尔运动的继承者。他试图创造新的空间定位,并与人们联系起来。与大多数艺术家不同,Fukasawa注重为消费者或观众创造物品。这是一个新的转折,他试图解读消费者的想法,并创造出在最终消费者眼中真正有用和漂亮的产品。他有效地尝试将美术和应用艺术结合起来(Sparke, 2009)。
这使得创造新的独特的艺术风格的对象。新的感知和情感可以从这些艺术家的拍摄中得到共鸣。尽管这位艺术家的创作备受赞誉,但他的艺术作品也受到了一些批评。有人说,作品的重点是为美国消费者(Hara, 2007)。该产品有丰富的细节和许多方面,已经创造了牢记美国消费者。有人批评说,这些艺术作品只能针对特定的人群。这位艺术家的一些作品被影射为纯粹的噱头。例如,一个包有一个运动鞋底作为基础。果汁盒的外观主题是猕猴桃皮。艺术家们的一些想法在实施上被认为是非常激进的。然而,大多数人和他的大多数设计都表示,这是一个优雅的功能方面的产品。


The artist has inimitable distinctive style that can be echoed and seen in all of the art works. There is distinctive simplicity of the Japanese doctrine and emphasis of the American consumerization that has been echoed in these works. The products that has been created by the artists is both functional also extensively useful. Minimal abstraction theme and post modernist interpretation of the art works in also echoed in these designs (Suri, 2005). He is an epitome of art work that could even be construed as the successors for the de stijl movement. He attempts to create new spatial orientation and connects with the people. Unlike most of the artists, Fukasawa notes to creating of the objects for the consumers or the audience. This is a new twist, he attempts to read the minds of the consumer and create products that are actually useful and pretty in the eyes of the end consumer. He has effectively tried to combine fine arts and applied arts (Sparke, 2009).
This has enabled in the creation of new distinctive artistic styles of the objects. Newer perception and sentiments can be echoed from these takes of the artist. Even though the artist is acclaimed for his creations there is also some criticism to his art works. It has been stated that the focus of the works is for the American consumer (Hara, 2007). There is lavish detailing of the product and a lot of aspect that has been created keeping in mind the American consumers. There is criticism that the art works could be focused only for certain demographics. Some of the works of the the artist has been alluded to being pure gimmick. For example, a bag has a sneaker sole as a base. Juice boxes had an exterior motif of Kiwi skins. Some of the ideas of the artists have been considered to be very radical in implementation. However, the majority of the people and most of his designs state that it is an elegant take on the functional aspect of the product.



