





Positive impact: By following code of conduct in Sony, Making a way for acting and working for the whole organization; Enhanced organization execution when connected to the organization’s business and strategic goals. It also helps in having a good organizational culture so that employees recognize what is anticipated from them as far as conduct; Great communication with employees having a system to turn upward when confronted with troublesome decisions; With a proper set of values, there will be a feeling of what the organization qualities are and what the organization remains.
Negative impact: One noteworthy issue with code of conduct is that the values and beliefs that subjective are considered, which are later changed in to objective basis. In this case, the analysis of situations in a subjective way will not be there. It is essential to implement the code of conduct always within the company to make it feasible. Then again, this is at chances with the point above- -supervisors need self-governance to carry out their employments. Thus code of conduct in a vast association can either render administrators inept or render itself feeble through unclearness
Positive impact: Environmental responsibility increases the efficiency of the organization . As a part of the environmental responsibility, the company can adopt the strategy of recycling the products and reuse the same so that the overall cost incurred can be reduced. This will help both the company as well as protect the environment. Also, along the being social responsible, the company will be able to keep up its goodwill among the various shareholders.
Negative impact: One of the main issues of environmental responsibility is that it is not that effective and practical in small organizations, where the cost incurred for CSR reporting will be more and it may be difficult for the small companies to bear it. If there CSR is neglected by the management, it will affect the firm’s business growth in an adverse manner.



