







Personality tests that employers conduct during the recruitment process are valuable tools for gaining an insight into the personality traits of the person, their behavioural tendencies and the interaction styles they possess. From varied perspectives these tools are designed to evaluate those aspects of the personality of an individual that tend to remain stable through the lifetime of the individual or do not tend to change under most of the circumstances (Cherry, 2015:149-155). The design of the personality tests should thus be comprehensive and robust so that they are able to identify the relatively permanent traits in a human being rather than the temporary ones.

When these tests are designed or used by an employer it is meant to describe those aspects of the character of a person that has relevance to their performance on the job and their behaviour while at work. The point to be understood is the difference between aptitude tests and personality tests, the former testing whether the candidate can do the job, and the latter testing whether they shall perform the job effectively. This implies that personality tests are intended to test the fit of an individual on a job from a behavioural viewpoint. The personality test can answer questions like whether a candidate has behavioural traits linked to job success and whether the candidate is likely to be comfortable in this job (Bailey, 2014:13-46). The most common scenarios where personality tests are highly effective are where the job role demands regular interaction with one another.

The question now is whether employers really need to conduct such tests before taking the candidate on board and even if they conduct it how it is meant to be beneficial and useful to the organization and the job.



