



Networking is the opportunity that the social media platforms offer to add friends and followers. It enables a portal where the people can acknowledge the sentiments or the views of the others. Then they can respond to the particular ideology that the people have developed. The interaction between the fans and followers create a system where the people are increasingly connected in the modern times. The actors of the portals then start to form the relationship by sharing the content newsfeed and create heuristics for voter contact. The people have the option of being visible.
The social media is considered to be a pull media. This is the interaction in which the actors are interacting with each other. Furthermore, this is on the basis of people interaction. The media news outlets can use this factor to add friends, create Facebook profile or create newer forms of communication with the people. There is increasingly nuanced communication that can be formed from the social media networking. Connectivity on the other hand is the option that is provided to the people to connect with each other. The citizens are all connected with the media actors. The people are more likely to follow or friend a media actor based on their ideology (Bruns, 2017). It is found that increasing forms of personal communication is found to stem between the voters and the politicians. The liking content is the first form of relationship that stems between the audience and the political actors. The people use their twitter feed or the Facebook posts to reminiscence about the different ideologies. They also provide a forum where critiquing can be done easily.
In this schema, the connectivity of the people is on the rise. It was previously alluded that the social media development was concentrated in the developed nations. However, it has changed in the current times. The focus of the people has shifted towards the emerging nations. An increase in the connectivity of the emerging nations has aided growth. The quality of life is based on the access to the different social media networks. According to this, the people in the nations now have more connectivity. The people are aware of the trends around the world from any part of the world.
The people in the current times wonder if the news that they hear are true. A lot of news posted online has no verifiable resources. These issues in credibility have been explored in the subsequent section.




